Along their hike through Tennessee's Pocket Wilderness, paleontologist Kurt Wise shows Del Tackett evidence for the region's catastrophic past, including major earth movements and mega-earthquakes. Hidden in the rocks along the hiking trail, they also come across fossilized tree-like plants that are the remnants of what once was a continent-sized forest that floated atop the ocean in the pre-Flood world.
𝘐𝘴 𝘎𝘦𝘯𝘦𝘴𝘪𝘴 𝘏𝘪𝘴𝘵𝘰𝘳𝘺? is a documentary that features over a dozen scientists and scholars explaining how the world intersects with the history recorded in Genesis. From rock layers to fossils, from lions to stars, from the Bible to artifacts, this fascinating film will change the way you see the world. The film’s goal is to provide a reasonable case for Creation in six normal days, a real Adam and Eve, an actual fall, a global flood, and a tower of Babel. Dr. Del Tackett, creator of 𝘛𝘩𝘦 𝘛𝘳𝘶𝘵𝘩 𝘗𝘳𝘰𝘫𝘦𝘤𝘵, serves as your guide—hiking through canyons, climbing up mountains, and diving below the sea—in an exploration of two competing views…one compelling truth.
Watch the full film now:
• Is Genesis History? - Watch the Full ...
This segment is taken from 𝘉𝘦𝘺𝘰𝘯𝘥 𝘐𝘴 𝘎𝘦𝘯𝘦𝘴𝘪𝘴 𝘏𝘪𝘴𝘵𝘰𝘳𝘺?, which explores rocks and fossils, intelligent design, astronomy, and so much more! These fascinating segments are approximately 20 minutes each and include an incredible depth of material not included in the film. They are perfect for families, churches, schools, and homeschools wanting to learn how Genesis explains the world around us.
Watch the full series here:
• Rocks & Fossils | Beyond Is Genesis H...
Dr. Wise earned his BA in geology from the University of Chicago, and his MA and PhD degrees in paleontology from Harvard University. He founded and directed the Center for Origins Research at Bryan College and taught biology there for 17 years. He then led the Center for Theology and Science at the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary for 3 years, before founding and directing the Center for Creation Research and teaching biology at Truett McConnell University for the last 7 years. His fieldwork has included research in early Flood rocks in the Death Valley region, late Flood rocks in Wyoming, and post-Flood caves in Tennessee.
For more information on Dr. Kurt Wise, please go to
Kurt: So that cliff I was talking about,
we followed along here and now it's coming down to the…
the trail level. Look at the… look at the log right there.
Del: Oh yeah. Oh my goodness!
Kurt: Yeah, right in the middle of that convoluted bedding.
Del: This is… this is massive, Kurt.
Kurt: Yes. Del: It's just hard to imagine
this thing sliding down…. Kurt: And it continues on from here,
so it's been half a mile that we've followed it here.
It continues on for another three quarters of a mile.
Imagine this whole cliff is not in place.
It slid down from above. And the same cliff goes up
the other side. So the whole thing slid down
into this valley. Del: Uh huh.
Kurt: It indicates a time when this valley was cut
out very rapidly —
much more rapidly than any process we're familiar with.
Del: And that's all post- flood here, all these….
Kurt: This would be the Arphaxadian Epoch stuff.
It's similar to the present, just bigger, okay?
And we see boulders in the present eroding
off of cliffs…. Del: But not….
Kurt: Not this scale. Not this scale.
Del: It's massive. Kurt: This is huge.
So we're looking at
that Arphaxadian Epoch when we kind of imagine — in your mind —
that boulder sliding down the hillside.
Del: But the rocks themselves are…
are pointing to something… to the epoch before them,
to the Flood. Kurt: Right. Exactly.
The rocks that have actually
slid down show evidence in them of a time before that.
Del: Yeah. So what are we seeing, then, in the rocks?
Kurt: Well, this… this is a really cool place.
This is a… this… this is a kill zone.
During the time that this rock was being formed,
this would not be a place that any organism could survive.
This was complete destruction. This is catastrophism
on a magnificent scale. About half way up this…
this cliff here, you can see kind of a blotchy pattern.
Del: Oh, yeah. Kurt: Yeah. Layers above,
layers below, and a blotchy
pattern in- between. It's about six feet thick.
That's actually what we call a seismite.
When you've got soft sediment that an earthquake
shockwave runs through, it forms that sediment. And,
in fact, it settles the sediment down,
causes water to come out which deforms it.
And that's called a seismite — it's made by seismic,
or earthquake, activity. This is six feet thick.
Now you're probably not familiar with seismites… know how
incredible that is. We can produce seismites
in the laboratory, or I can go to the edge of a ocean —
over a lake, in that wet zone of the sand along the shore —
and stand there. Now you got to make sure no one's looking…
see this — but you stand there and vibrate. And if you vibe…
you'll notice that when you do, the sand will almost liquefy;
water comes out…. Del: Yes, right.
Kurt: …of the sand and runs down to the… right down to the water.
Now if you look closely, what's… what's happening is you're
vibrating the sand — it's occupying less volume —
and it's pushing the water out from what was between
the sand grains, and it's escaping
and then flowing down. Now if you look closely,
you'll see that the water comes up in little, tiny volcanos
here and there — kind of bubbles up. And if…
again, you got to make sure no one's looking.
And you go down there and cut into the sand — in the middle
of one of those little volcanoes.
You're going to see the layers of sand going down the beach.
But in that place where the volcano is, they're
bent upwards. The water has left the sand and come out
of the sand, creating what we call fluid evulsion structure.
Now in your incredible power on the edge of a body of water,
you can produce fluid of evulsion structures that are
about an eighth of an inch high, something… a quarter inch.
Earthquakes are bigger. They can
create bigger structures; and the bigger the earthquake,
the bigger the structures. So a decent earthquake
that is shaking buildings, produces an inch or so
of fluid evulsion structure…. Del: Only an inch, precisely?
Kurt: Yeah, yeah. Now the biggest earthquakes
that we've witnessed in the last 50- 60 years,
since seismometers have been developed, produce
11 inches. The big Anchorage, Alaska earthquake of 1964 — 8.2,
something like that on the Richter scale,
monster earthquake — produced about 11 inches
of convolutions or seismites. Del: Okay.
Kurt: Yeah, exactly. And as near as I can tell,
when you double the thickness of your… your convolutions —
your seismite — it requires an earthquake about 16 or
so times bigger. This thing's six feet,
so it's six times…. Del: That's beyond imagination.
Kurt: …of the biggest earthquakes we're familiar with
in the present. So we're talking about a time
with earthquakes that are unimaginable.
Del: Right. Kurt: Huge earthquakes,
probably no process
on the present earth is capable of… of doing that.
And so we have a period of huge earthquakes,
but that's not all. Because
for that seismite to work, you've got to have deposited
that six feet of sand very quickly, full of water —
still full of water — to create that.
And so we've got six feet of sand deposited very rapidly,
then hit by that earth. So we've got evidence
of very rapid deposition,
very deep deposition. And you can see here, in one
layer we've got what we call crossbeds: the layers
cross up into… You've got a bed of a certain thickness —
there's one there, it's beautiful it's about a foot
thick or so. And the beds within that bed cross it.
These are called crossbeds. So if water is moving
and carrying sand, it carries sand in and deposits the sand
down the front face of a dune.
Del: It's like we saw in the Grand Canyon.
Kurt: Yes, you would have seen some very large crossbeds there,
and that's indicating that moving water is carrying
sand grains and depositing this. So it's not just depositing
sand very quickly, it's depositing sand in…
in moving water and all these crossbeds facing one direction —
they're all going that way. In fact, not just here,
but everywhere this unit is found, you've got cross beds
that are moving from the east to the west.
And this thing is found from Alabama to the south
to Pennsylvania in the north. This thing goes across
the entire north- south cross section of the United States,
indicating a time when water is moving across the continent —
probably about 1,000 feet above present sea level —
moving ocean across the continent, carrying sand,
depositing it very rapidly — depositing it in moving water —
and, simultaneously, being hit by earthquakes —
enormous earthquakes.
Del: So what we have — I mean right here and just this small
area we have — the clear evidence that this was
deposited rapidly,
and that there are these cataclysmic earthquakes that are
beyond our imagination, that are all happening while all
of this is still wet.
Kurt: Mmm hmm. And…and there's more because
there's a lens of material here — it starts
thin over on this side, and thin up this side,
and it gets thick in between. It's a lens- shaped structure.
Kurt: That's a segment of this sand that,
while it was being deposited — while it was still soft,
it slid down. So the whole area is apparently being uplifted,
upended and stuff is sliding down as it's being deposited.
So we not only have rapid deposition, but we also
have this whole area being uplifted. Well,
what's to the east here? Where's the…
what's the source of the uplift? Not but a few dozen miles
to the east, we have the Appalachian Mountains.
So while this is being deposited,
the Appalachian Mountains are being raised
upward very rapidly. Water is going over the top
of the mountains, ripping the tops
of the mountains off and carrying the debris
into this area — depositing the sand —
and carrying the sand across the continent. We can… we can
trace this wedge of sediment — which is thickest at the…
at the Appalachians — thinning to the west,
past the Mississippi River. We've actually found sand grains
from the Smokies in the Grand Canyon,
on the other side of the continent! So…
so there's this… there's a time when water
was being moved across entire continents,
depositing layers of sediment hundreds of feet thick.
You've seen it in the Grand Canyon.
Del: Yes. Kurt: Those great layers.
Del: Huge, huge.
Kurt: Okay, you're just seeing a part of it — 200 miles of it.
That's just 200 miles of it. It carries across
the entire continent.
Del: Yeah, that gives you the…
the sense of how massive all of this is.
Kurt: Almost incomprehensible. Underneath this unit —
remember this unit doesn't belong here,
it belongs up above. So if you look at the rocks
that are in place here, one of these rocks is one
that I would… I used to do some caving in.
That caving is done in a crossbedded
oolitic pentremites-containing dolomite…
Del: well, sure….
Kurt: You know… you don't have to know what that means.
It's just a very specific description
of a very specific rock. There's tens of thousands
of feet of sediment in — of rocks, layers — in Tennessee.
There's only one, a few hundred feet thick,
that is a crossbedded oolitic pentremites-containing dolomite.
That same unit is on the other side of the continent as well.
It's in the Grand Canyon. There's a crossbedded oolitic
pentremites-containing dolomite in the Grand Canyon
that has caves in it; it's known as the Redwall.
Del: Oh yeah.
Kurt: Halfway down… about halfway down the canyon.
That's the same unit, same lithology, same rock type.
Kurt: Up in Montana it exists also —
tens of thousands of feet. There's one crossbedded oolitic
petromites- containing dome. It's got caves in it —
Cave of the Winds, for example,
in Colorado Springs. Del: That's exactly right.
Kurt: You're familiar with that? Del: Been there. I have been.
Kurt: That's in that same unit. You can trace the unit across
the entire continent. And so it… and contained in it,
are little critters that come from the ocean.
They have been ripped off of wherever they lived —
like coral pieces, beautiful coral
fossils in this — they have been carried,
broken from where they live — because coral has to be sitting
on a solid surface. If it's sitting in the mud
it sinks into the mud and the little guy dies, okay,
so it's got to be on a solid surface.
But we find these coral pieces beautifully preserved,
sitting in — what? — mud. We see them sitting
in carbonate mud. They can't have lived there;
they were only dumped there. So these are living organisms
ripped off of some source, thousands of miles away,
carried across the continent and dumped in places like here
and across the continent. So we're talking about
a continent- wide scale event that is depositing thick layers
of sediment across huge distances — thousand plus
feet above sea level — being carried thousands of miles
from where it came from in the place,
while enormous earthquakes are going up that are this…
the kinds of things you might expect with asteroids hitting
the earth or something. And mountains are being raised
very quickly at the same time. That's the flood.
Del: This is part of what Peter is referring to, is the Earth
being destroyed at that time.
So… so we have the evidence here of the tumultous moment.
But when you talk about little pieces of the coral, and
so forth, those are pointing back, then,
to the ante-diluvian period. Kurt: Exactly.
Del: And it tells us what was there.
What do we see in the rocks here that help us understand more
about what that world was like?
Kurt: If we go a little bit further down the same trail,
we'll see some of that. Del: All right. Okay.
Kurt: Let's go on down. Del: Let's do that.
Kurt: So here we're continuing that same cliff is now
below the trail. It's coming down,
and it's coming down towards the river here,
towards the creek. And this is where it comes down to
the creek and then goes up the other side.
And underneath this overhang we had some cool things to look at.
As a matter of fact, right there.
See that structure…. Del: Oh, yeah.
Kurt: …right there? That's a fossil log.
Del: You can even see the bark ridges.
Kurt: Yep, the impression of the bark.
You can see that right there. It's an even bigger
one up there. The curvature…. Del: Sure do.
Kurt: …curvature of the log. So we've got a number of logs in
this particular sandstone unit.
Del: So what is this telling us, Kurt? What are we seeing here?
Kurt: Well, first of all we've got evidence in this…
in this rock of flowing water. You see this little pebble here?
Del: Yes, right. Kurt: That's a quartz pebble. See,
that extends about three quarters of an inch in diameter
and several in here that are three quarters
to an inch in diameter. And… and a pebble this size,
for water to move it, the water has to be moving at
a pretty good clip. Probably moving at about one
to two meters per second. It's moving from the east
to the west. The water velocity, apparently, to carry this sized
pebble is what's necessary to carry two foot diameter logs.
Del: Makes sense. Kurt: So we have evidence
of moving water, which we saw
already with the crossbeddings… Del: sure.
Kurt: …and all that sort of thing.
But here we have further evidence
in the things it's carrying.
Del: Yeah, so…
more indications that all of this is just not laid down over
a long period of time, with very slow processes.
But what we're seeing here is something is laid down again
rapidly under some tumultous kinds of conditions.
Kurt: And it can't be deposited slowly — you just
can't move water slowly and deposit pebbles.
Del: Those things would be sinking to the bottom.
Kurt: That's right. You can't even roll them along
the bottom with water moving that slowly.
So these are entire units — I mean everything you can see,
it's — you're talking about tens of feet of sediment being
deposited at a time. Steve Austin talks about
the nautiloid bed, for example, a six- foot thick unit being
deposited very quickly — basically moving at, maybe 200
miles an hour — moving into place
and settling in place. Huge masses of sediment
moving very rapidly. That's really the best way
to explain this kind of thing. Del: That makes sense.
Kurt: So we have evidence of the catastrophism
of the flood. Del: Yes.
Kurt: But also it's carrying evidence of the world
that existed before the flood — “that world that then was,
being overflowed with water perished.” Well,
here's an insight into that world.
We're seeing logs from forests before the flood.
Think about the world's forests: you got forests in the tropics,
you got forests in North America.
Del: Yes.
Kurt: The world's forests. Now bring a flood on the world,
destroy the entire world. You're gonna bury some
of those trees immediately. But what about the rest
of the trees floating on top of the waters following the flood?
Must have been trillions of trees!
Del: Huge, mass of….
Kurt: Huge mass of trees. We see in Mount St. Helens,
for example, right? After the eruption of Mount St.
Helens, that collapse of the mountain went
into Spirit Lake, pushed all the water Spirit Lake out
of the lake, and the water went up —
900 feet up the side of the hills around it;
swept all of the soil and trees from the sides of those hills,
came back into what is now Spirit Lake.
At the end of that eruption, there were about one million
logs floating on that lake. And over the years,
they've gotten waterlogged and sank down to the bottom
of the lake. But there's still a quarter million logs!
Del: They're still floating there.
Kurt: It's been 35 years! Now, if you still have logs floating
after 35 years from a small thing like that —
with only a million logs — how many logs do you think are
floating around on the… on the world's oceans
during the flood. And here's some of those logs.
Del: And especially in a… in that world before the flood.
That Ante- Diluvian world which could have been
even more lush than what we have today.
Kurt: Could well be. In fact, going down the path a little bit
further we can see more information which tells us yes,
there is good reason to believe that it was even more lush
world and today, more trees than today,
and a little bit different. If we look at these logs —
kind of hard to tell from this… from this location —
but they're different kinds of trees
than we have in the present.
Del: What kind of trees are they?
Kurt: Well, these are… turn out to be what are called
lycopods In the present world we have scrawny little lycopods.
We have herbaceous lycopods: soft, short plants, not
tall trees, but these are arborescent lycopods.
These are lycopods that grew to the size of trees.
So they are in that group of plants known as lycopods,
but they're unlike anything in the present.
And what's really interesting about them
is that they're hollow. They are logs that actually
don't have secondary wood in the inside, like the trees
you have around here — you cut into them, you're going to find
hardwood in the middle. Del: Right, yeah.
Kurt: You cut into these, you will not find hardwood
in the middle. All you're seeing is the bark,
the impression the bark made in the sand.
There is nothing in the middle. In fact some of them are
full of sand, because there was nothing aside from the bark.
And…. Del: Okay.
Kurt: And so this is a weird…
that's a weird kind of tree. Del: It is.
Kurt: A tree that has no central core with wood in it.
What's going on there?
Del: So why would a tree have now inside?
Kurt: Yeah, that's an interesting question.
When we look more carefully at this, we realize we have more
parts than just the bark; we find also branches,
branches are also hollow, and we find — well,
you'd call them roots, but technically
they're not roots, they're called rhizomes —
but those are also hollow. And the rootlets coming off of
the roots are hollow.
This is a weird kind of plant: a whole tree that's hollow
in every aspect — in its branches, in its stem,
in its roots, in its rootlets.
Del: Okay, there must be a reason for that.
Kurt: Yeah, I think so. In fact, the rootlets are so soft…
can you imagine a root that is hollow,
making its way through soil? Could it do that?
Del: I doubt it. Kurt: It's gonna collapse.
So something's odd about this.
Now it turns out in the modern world we do have some plants
that are hollow, with hollow roots, and hollow
rootlets coming off of them. Now they're all little plants,
they're not trees. But every one of them are plants
that live in water. They float on water.
So there's air in the inside of the trunk and the roots
that allows the plant to float. That's part of what gave
me the idea; and, actually, Joachim Scheven back
in the early 80s got an — he's from Germany —
got the idea that maybe these trees are actually floating.
That rather than their roots going through soil,
their roots intertwined with the roots
of adjacent trees. The trees are light
enough to float, and you have a floating forest
in the pre-flood world since they're all bark and they float.
If, once they're floating, once you've
destroyed the forest, once they're floating logs —
because these are horizontal, there they're apparently
floating in water to get down to this point — while
they're floating — and let's say while they're still floating
on top of the water — they rub against one another and peel
their bark off. Now once the bark's gone, they're gone,
but the bark can then filter down to the bottom of the body
of water and accumulate as a pile of bark.
And that big log mat can be blown around by the wind
and deposit that bark over a large area.
And if that was the case, you would expect that perhaps
those layers of bark landed on a flat surface,
built up on that flat surface. When the log mat blew away,
the flat surface would end and other sediment would come
on top and you'd end up with a layer of bark
that had a flat bottom surface, a flat top surface.
When that bark is… is then coalified,
you'd have a layer of coal — a very special kind of coal:
coal that's made of bark. And, in fact, if we go down the trail
we can see some of that coal.
Del: Huh. So you would expect that if we have… if we have
trees that were floating, we'd expect to find a coal
bed here somewhere. Kurt: Yes.
We can do that. So if we follow it, we can…
we can go back and we can take a look
at one of those coal seams. Del: After you.
After you.
Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.
耶 穌 對 他 說 : 你 要 盡 心 、 盡 性 、 盡 意 愛 主 ─ 你 的 神 。
—— Matthew 22:37 —— 馬 太 福 音 22:37