







而且,儘管上述騷亂(在上述場合發生於 1566 年)現已被家庭女教師和她的大臣們平息,許多自由之友要么被放逐,要么被制服,但國王卻沒有表現出任何反抗的態度。理由使用武器和暴力,並進一步壓迫這個國家,但由於這些原因和原因,西班牙議會很久以前就尋求了這一點(從截獲的當時在法國的西班牙大使阿拉納寫給公爵夫人的信中可以看出)帕爾馬),廢除這個國家的所有特權,並像在印度那樣隨意地進行專制統治;在西班牙議會的慫恿下,他在新的征服中表現出了對人民的漠不關心,這違背了一位好君主對臣民應盡的義務。這片土地最大的敵人之一,身邊還有和他一樣的顧問。而且,儘管他進來時沒有受到絲毫反對,並受到了貧窮臣民的尊重和仁慈,這是國王在信中經常虛偽地承諾的,而且他本人打算親自前來向他們下達命令。後,他配備了一支艦隊將他從西班牙運走,並在西蘭島花費了巨大的費用來迎接他,以便更好地欺騙他的臣民,並引誘他們進入然而,這位公爵在抵達後立即(雖然是個陌生人,與王室毫無關係),宣布他獲得了總督的任命,不久之後又獲得了這些省份總督的任命,這與所有省份的總督的任命相反。為了進一步體現他的計劃,他立即駐守主要城鎮和城堡,並在各大城市建造堡壘和城堡,以震懾他們,並非常有禮貌地以國王的名義召見主要貴族,在假裝聽取他們的建議並僱用他們為國家服務。那些相信他的信的人被扣押並帶出布拉班特,這違反了法律,在那裡他們被監禁並在他面前作為罪犯受到起訴,因為他們沒有權利,也不能成為合格的法官;最後,他在沒有聽取他們的全部辯護的情況下,判處他們死刑,並以可恥的方式公開執行。

其他居住在外國的人更了解西班牙的虛偽,被宣佈為非法,並沒收他們的財產,以便貧窮的臣民無法使用他們的堡壘,也無法得到王子的幫助來捍衛他們的自由免受暴力侵害。的;除了許多其他紳士和大公民之外,其中一些被處決,其他人被驅逐,他們的財產可能被沒收,這困擾著其他誠實的居民,不僅因為西班牙士兵對他們的妻子、孩子和財產造成的傷害他們被迫繳納第一百便士、第二十便士和十分之一便士的稅款,用於支付外國和外國的稅金,用於建造城堡和新的城鎮防禦工事,甚至導致自己的毀滅。 那些在鄉村長大的人,被用來對付他們的同胞和那些冒著生命危險捍衛自己自由的人。為了使臣民陷入貧困,使他們無法阻礙他的計劃,並且為了使他可以更輕鬆地執行在西班牙收到的指示,將這些國家視為新的征服者,他開始按照西班牙模式改變司法程序,直接違背我們的特權;他認為自己終於沒有什麼可擔心的了,他竭盡全力對商品和製造業徵收一種稱為十分之一便士的稅,這最終導致了這些國家的徹底毀滅,這些國家的繁榮依賴於蓬勃發展的貿易,儘管頻繁的貿易如果不是奧蘭治親王與不同的紳士和其他居民一起提出的抗議,不僅僅是一個省,而是所有的人聯合起來,他在他的流放中跟隨了這位王子,其中大多數是阿爾瓦公爵和​​其他人在他和所有省份之間,相反地,通過向已經忠誠的上校做出的所有可能的承諾,尋求獲得德國軍隊,而這些人是在他的軍餉中被驅逐的。 然後駐紮在主要要塞和城市中,透過他們的幫助,他可以征服他們,因為他已經獲得了許多人,並讓他們依附於他的利益,以便透過他們的幫助,迫使那些不願加入的人他對奧蘭治親王、荷蘭和西蘭省發動的戰爭比以前的任何戰爭都更加殘酷和血腥。但是,由於任何偽裝都無法長期掩蓋我們的意圖,因此該專案在執行之前就被發現了;而他卻無法履行他的諾言,他到來時所吹噓的和平並沒有發生,而是一場新的戰爭爆發了,但尚未結束。



因此,在沒有和解的希望,也沒有找到其他補救辦法的情況下,我們同意自然法來保衛我們自己,並維護我們的同胞、妻子、孩子和後代的權利、特權和自由。奴役,被迫放棄對西班牙國王的效忠,並採取我們認為最有可能確保我們古老的自由和特權的方法。透過這些禮物,所有人都知道,如上所述,我們已經陷入了最後的絕境,我們一致並故意宣布,並且透過這些禮物宣布,西班牙國王已根據法律喪失了對西班牙主權的所有世襲權利。從今以後不承認他的主權或管轄權,也不承認他的任何與低地國家領土有關的行為,也不利用他作為王子的名義,也不允許其他人這樣做。因此,我們也宣布,該國所有官員、法官、領主、紳士、封臣和所有其他居民,無論其條件或素質如何,從此不再對西班牙國王作為主權國家作出的所有誓言和義務這些國家。鑑於已經提到的動機,聯合省的大部分地區經其成員一致同意,在殿下規定的某些條件下,服從於傑出的安茹親王和公爵的政府和主權,並且鑑於最平靜的馬蒂亞斯大公已在我們的批准下辭去了這些國家的政府職務,我們命令並命令所有司法人員、官員以及所有可能涉及的人,不得使用國王的姓名、頭銜、國璽或私印。 ;但是,只要安茹公爵殿下因與這些國家的福祉有關的緊急事務而缺席,經殿下同意或以其他方式同意後,他們應暫時使用主席和理事會的姓名和頭銜來代替他們該省的。

而且,在這樣的總統和顧問被提名、召集並以我們的身份行事之前,他們應以我們的名義行事,但在荷蘭和西蘭,他們應使用奧蘭治親王的名字,以及荷蘭和西蘭各州的名字。並且,在與公眾有關的事務中,根據上述委員會不時授權的規定,他們應使用我們的國璽、中央印章和印章,而不是上述國王的印章。在涉及司法行政的事務和各省特有的事務中,該國的省議會和其他議會應分別使用該案件審理所在省的名稱、名稱和印章,並且不得使用該省的名稱、名稱和印章。 ,所有信件、文件和快件都將被廢止。為了更好、更有效地履行本協議,我們已下令並特此下令,在這些聯合省內的所有西班牙國王印章應在這些禮物公佈後立即交付應分別授權和任命各省的莊園,或由上述莊園任命的人員,否則將受到酌情處罰。


我們進一步指揮樞密院主席和成員、布拉班特公國大臣、居爾德斯公國和聚特芬郡大臣、荷蘭議會主席和成員、偉大的接收者。主席和委員會,梅赫倫(Mechelen) 學院,烏得勒支(Utrecht) 委員會主席和成員,以及所有其他可能涉及的法官和官員,所有中尉他們每個人都應在各自的管轄範圍內,在為此目的指定的通常地點,公佈和宣布我們的法令,以便任何人都不得以不知情為藉口。並使我們上述的法令得到不可侵犯的遵守,公正、毫不拖延地懲罰違法者;因此,人們認為這對公共利益是有利的。而且,為了更好地維護本文的所有條款,我們透過明確的命令向你們所有人授予充分的權力和權威。為了證明這一點,我們在此簽署了我們在海牙舉行的會議,日期為 1581 年 7 月 6 日和 20 日,並得到了三州總督的命令的認可,並簽署了 J. De Asseliers。

The declaration given below -- the first in modern times -- brings forward prominently the great idea that rulers are responsible to the people and can be deposed by them. The growth of this idea is center of the development of constitutional and republican government. 

The States General of the United Provinces of the Low Countries, to all whom it may concern, do by these Presents send greeting: 

As it is apparent to all that a prince is constituted by God to be ruler of a people, to defend them from oppression and violence as the shepherd his sheep; and whereas God did not create the people slaves to their prince, to obey his commands, whether right or wrong, but rather the prince for the sake of the subjects (without which he could be no prince), to govern them according to equity, to love and support them as a father his children or a shepherd his flock, and even at the hazard of life to defend and preserve them. And when he does not behave thus, but, on the contrary, oppresses them, seeking opportunities to infringe their ancient customs and privileges, exacting from them slavish compliance, then he is no longer a prince, but a tyrant, and the subjects are to consider him in no other view. And particularly when this is done deliberately, unauthorized by the states, they may not only disallow his authority, but legally proceed to the choice of another prince for their defense. This is the only method left for subjects whose humble petitions and remonstrances could never soften their prince or dissuade him from his tyrannical proceedings; and this is what the law of nature dictates for the defense of liberty, which we ought to transmit to posterity, even at the hazard of our lives. And this we have seen done frequently in several countries upon the like occasion, whereof there are notorious instances, and more justifiable in our land, which has been always governed according to their ancient privileges, which are expressed in the oath taken by the prince at his admission to the government; for most of the Provinces receive their prince upon certain conditions, which he swears to maintain, which, if the prince violates, he is no longer sovereign. 

Now thus it was that the king of Spain after the demise of the emperor, his father, Charles the Fifth, of the glorious memory (of whom he received all these provinces), forgetting the services done by the subjects of these countries, both to his father and himself, by whose valor he got so glorious and memorable victories over his enemies that his name and power became famous and dreaded over all the world, forgetting also the advice of his said imperial majesty, made to him before to the contrary, did rather hearken to the counsel of those Spaniards about him, who had conceived a secret hatred to this land and to its liberty, because they could not enjoy posts of honor and high employments here under the states as in Naples, Sicily, Milan and the Indies, and other countries under the king's dominion. Thus allured by the riches of the said provinces, wherewith many of them were well acquainted, the said counselors, we say, or the principal of them, frequently remonstrated to the king that it was more for his Majesty's reputation and grandeur to subdue the Low Countries a second time, and to make himself absolute (by which they mean to tyrannize at pleasure), than to govern according to the restrictions he had accepted, and at his admission sworn to observe. From that time forward the king of Spain, following these evil counselors, sought by all means possible to reduce this country (stripping them of their ancient privileges) to slavery, under the government of Spaniards having first, under the mask of religion, endeavored to settle new bishops in the largest and principal cities, endowing and incorporating them with the richest abbeys, assigning to each bishop nine canons to assist him as counselors, three whereof should superintend the inquisition. 

By this incorporation the said bishops (who might be strangers as well as natives) would have had the first place and vote in the assembly of the states, and always the prince's creatures at devotion; and by the addition of the said canons he would have introduced the Spanish inquisition, which has been always as dreadful and detested in these provinces as the worst of slavery, as is well known, in so much that his imperial majesty, having once before proposed it to these states, and upon whose remonstrances did desist, and entirely gave it up, hereby giving proof of the great affection he had for his subjects. But, notwithstanding the many remonstrances made to the king both by the provinces and particular towns, in writing as well as by some principal lords by word of mouth; and, namely, by the Baron of Montigny and Earl of Egmont, who with the approbation of the Duchess of Parma, then governess of the Low Countries, by the advice of the council of state were sent several times to Spain upon this affair. And, although the king had by fair words given them grounds to hope that their request should be complied with, yet by his letters he ordered the contrary, soon after expressly commanding, upon pain of his displeasure, to admit the new bishops immediately, and put them in possession of their bishoprics and incorporated abbeys, to hold the court of the inquisition in the places where it had been before, to obey and follow the decrees and ordinances of the Council of Trent, which in many articles are destructive of the privileges of the country. 

This being come to the knowledge of the people gave just occasion to great uneasiness and clamor among them, and lessened that good affection they had always borne toward the king and his predecessors. And, especially, seeing that he did not only seek to tyrannize over their persons and estates, but also over their consciences, for which they believed themselves accountable to God only. Upon this occasion the chief of the nobility in compassion to the poor people, in the year 1566, exhibited a certain remonstrance in form of a petition, humbly praying, in order to appease them and prevent public disturbances, that it would please his majesty (by showing that clemency due from a good prince to his people) to soften the said points, and especially with regard to the rigorous inquisition, and capital punishments for matters of religion. And to inform the king of this affair in a more solemn manner, and to represent to him how necessary it was for the peace and prosperity of the public to remove the aforesaid innovations, and moderate the severity of his declarations published concerning divine worship, the Marquis de Berghen, and the aforesaid Baron of Montigny had been sent, at the request of the said lady regent, council of state, and of the states-general as ambassadors to Spain, where the king, instead of giving them audience, and redress the grievances they had complained of (which for want of a timely remedy did always appear in their evil consequences among the common people), did, by the advice of Spanish council, declare all those who were concerned in preparing the said remonstrance to be rebels, and guilty of high treason, and to be punished with death, and confiscation of their estates; and, what is more (thinking himself well assured of reducing these countries under absolute tyranny by the army of the Duke of Alva), did soon after imprison and put to death the said lords the ambassadors, and confiscated their estates, contrary to the law of nations, which has been always religiously observed even among the most tyrannic and barbarous princes. 

And, although the said disturbances, which in the year 1566 happened on the aforementioned occasion, were now appeased by the governess and her ministers, and many friends to liberty were either banished or subdued, in so much that the king had not any show of reason to use arms and violence, and further oppress this country, yet for these causes and reasons, long time before sought by the council of Spain (as appears by intercepted letters from the Spanish ambassador, Alana, then in France, writ to the Duchess of Parma), to annul all the privileges of this country, and govern it tyrannically at pleasure as in the Indies; and in their new conquests he has, at the instigation of the council of Spain, showing the little regard he had for his people, so contrary to the duty which a good prince owes to his subjects), sent the Duke of Alva with a powerful army to oppress this land, who for his inhuman cruelties is looked upon as one of its greatest enemies, accompanied with counselors too like himself. And, although he came in without the least opposition, and was received by the poor subjects with all marks of honor and clemency, which the king had often hypocritically promised in his letters, and that himself intended to come in person to give orders to their general satisfaction, having since the departure of the Duke of Alva equipped a fleet to carry him from Spain, and another in Zealand to come to meet him at the great expense of the country, the better to deceive his subjects, and allure them into the toils, nevertheless the said duke, immediately after his arrival (though a stranger, and no way related to the royal family), declared that he had a captain-general's commission, and soon after that of governor of these provinces, contrary to all its ancient customs and privileges; and, the more to manifest his designs, he immediately garrisoned the principal towns and castles, and caused fortresses and citadels to be built in the great cities to awe them into subjection, and very courteously sent for the chief nobility in the king's name, under pretense of taking their advice, and to employ them in the service of their country. And those who believed his letters were seized and carried out of Brabant, contrary to law, where they were imprisoned and prosecuted as criminals before him who had no right, nor could be a competent judge; and at last he, without hearing their defense at large, sentenced them to death, which was publicly and ignominiously executed. 

The others, better acquainted with Spanish hypocrisy, residing in foreign countries, were declared outlawed, and had their estates confiscated, so that the poor subjects could make no use of their fortresses nor be assisted by their princes in defense of their liberty against the violence of the pope; besides a great number of other gentlemen and substantial citizens, some of whom were executed, and others banished that their estates might be confiscated, plaguing the other honest inhabitants, not only by the injuries done to their wives, children and estates by the Spanish soldiers lodged in their houses, as likewise by diverse contributions, which they were forced to pay toward building citadels and new fortifications of towns even to their own ruin, besides the taxes of the hundredth, twentieth, and tenth penny, to pay both the foreign and those raised in the country, to be employed against their fellow-citizens and against those who at the hazard of their lives defended their liberties. In order to impoverish the subjects, and to incapacitate them to hinder his design, and that he might with more ease execute the instructions received in Spain, to treat these countries as new conquests, he began to alter the course of justice after the Spanish mode, directly contrary to our privileges; and, imagining at last he had nothing more to fear, he endeavored by main force to settle a tax called the tenth penny on merchandise and manufacture, to the total ruin of these countries, the prosperity of which depends upon a flourishing trade, notwithstanding frequent remonstrances, not by a single province only, but by all of them united, which he had effected, had it not been for the Prince of Orange with diverse gentlemen and other inhabitants, who had followed this prince in his exile, most of whom were in his pay, and banished by the Duke of Alva with others who between him and the states of all the provinces, on the contrary sought, by all possible promises made to the colonels already at his devotion, to gain the German troops, who were then garrisoned in the principal fortresses and the cities, that by their assistance he might master them, as he had gained many of them already, and held them attached to his interest in order, by their assistance, to force those who would not join with him in making war against the Prince of Orange, and the provinces of Holland and Zealand, more cruel and bloody than any war before. But, as no disguises can long conceal our intentions, this project was discovered before it could be executed; and he, unable to perform his promises, and instead of that peace so much boasted of at his arrival a new war kindled, not yet extinguished. 

All these considerations give us more than sufficient reason to renounce the King of Spain, and seek some other powerful and more gracious prince to take us under his protection; and, more especially, as these countries have been for these twenty years abandoned to disturbance and oppression by their king, during which time the inhabitants were not treated as subjects, but enemies, enslaved forcibly by their own governors. 

Having also, after the decease of Don Juan, sufficiently declared by the Baron de Selles that he would not allow the pacification of Ghent, the which Don Juan had in his majesty's name sworn to maintain, but daily proposing new terms of agreement less advantageous. Notwithstanding these discouragements we used all possible means, by petitions in writing, and the good offices of the greatest princes in Christendom, to be reconciled to our king, having lastly maintained for a long time our deputies at the Congress of Cologne, hoping that the intercession of his imperial majesty and of the electors would procure an honorable and lasting peace, and some degree of liberty, particularly relating to religion (which chiefly concerns God and our own consciences), at last we found by experience that nothing would be obtained of the king by prayers and treaties, which latter he made use of to divide and weaken the provinces, that he might the easier execute his plan rigorously, by subduing them one by one, which afterwards plainly appeared by certain proclamations and proscriptions published by the king's orders, by virtue of which we and all officers of the United Provinces with all our friends are declared rebels and as such to have forfeited our lives and estates. Thus, by rendering us odious to all, he might interrupt our commerce, likewise reducing us to despair, offering a great sum to any that would assassinate the Prince of Orange. 

So, having no hope of reconciliation, and finding no other remedy, we have, agreeable to the law of nature in our own defense, and for maintaining the rights, privileges, and liberties of our countrymen, wives, and children, and latest posterity from being enslaved by the Spaniards, been constrained to renounce allegiance to the King of Spain, and pursue such methods as appear to us most likely to secure our ancient liberties and privileges. Know all men by these presents that being reduced to the last extremity, as above mentioned, we have unanimously and deliberately declared, and do by these presents declare, that the King of Spain has forfeited, ipso jure, all hereditary right to the sovereignty of those countries, and are determined from henceforward not to acknowledge his sovereignty or jurisdiction, nor any act of his relating to the domains of the Low Countries, nor make use of his name as prince, nor suffer others to do it. In consequence whereof we also declare all officers, judges, lords, gentlemen, vassals, and all other the inhabitants of this country of what condition or quality soever, to be henceforth discharged from all oaths and obligations whatsoever made to the King of Spain as sovereign of those countries. And whereas, upon the motives already mentioned, the greater part of the United Provinces have, by common consent of their members, submitted to the government and sovereignty of the illustrious Prince and Duke of Anjou, upon certain conditions stipulated with his highness, and whereas the most serene Archduke Matthias has resigned the government of these countries with our approbation, we command and order all justiciaries, officers, and all whom it may concern, not to make use of the name, titles, great or privy seal of the King of Spain from henceforward; but in lieu of them, as long as his highness the Duke of Anjou is absent upon urgent affairs relating to the welfare of these countries, having so agreed with his highness or otherwise, they shall provisionally use the name and title of the President and Council of the Province. 

And, until such a president and counselors shall be nominated, assembled, and act in that capacity, they shall act in our name, except that in Holland and Zealand where they shall use the name of the Prince of Orange, and of the states of the said provinces until the aforesaid council shall legally sit, and then shall conform to the directions of that council agreeable to the contract made with his highness. And, instead of the king's seal aforesaid, they shall make use of our great seal, center-seal, and signet, in affairs relating to the public, according as the said council shall from time to time be authorized. And in affairs concerning the administration of justice, and transactions peculiar to each province, the provincial council and other councils of that country shall use respectively the name, title, and seal of the said province, where the case is to be tried, and no other, on pain of having all letters, documents, and despatches annulled. And, for the better and effectual performance hereof, we have ordered and commanded, and do hereby order and command, that all the seals of the King of Spain which are in these United Provinces shall immediately, upon the publication of these presents, be delivered to the estate of each province respectively, or to such persons as by the said estates shall be authorized and appointed, upon peril of discretionary punishment. 

Moreover, we order and command that from henceforth no money coined shall be stamped with the name, title, or arms of the King of Spain in any of these United Provinces, but that all new gold and silver pieces, with their halfs and quarters, shall only bear such impressions as the states shall direct. We order likewise and command the president and other lords of the privy council, and all other chancellors, presidents, accountants-general, and to others in all the chambers of accounts respectively in these said countries, and likewise to all other judges and officers, as we hold them discharged from henceforth of their oath made to the King of Spain, pursuant to the tenor of their commission, that they shall take a new oath to the states of that country on whose jurisdiction they depend, or to commissaries appointed by them, to be true to us against the King of Spain and all his adherents, according to the formula of words prepared by the states-general for that purpose. And we shall give to the said counselors, justiciaries, and officers employed in these provinces, who have contracted in our name with his highness the Duke of Anjou, an act to continue them in their respective offices, instead of new commissions, a clause annulling the former provisionally until the arrival of his highness. Moreover, to all such counselors, accomptants, justiciaries, and officers in these Provinces, who have not contracted with his highness, aforesaid, we shall grant new commissions under our hands and seals, unless any of the said officers are accused and convicted of having acted under their former commissions against the liberties and privileges of this country or of other the like maladministration. 

We farther command of the president and members of the privy council, chancellor of the Duchy of Brabant, also the chancellor of the Duchy of Guelders, and county of Zutphen, to the president and members of the council of Holland, to the receivers of great officers of Beoostersheldt and Bewestersheldt in Zealand, to the president and council of Friese, and to the Escoulet of Mechelen, to the president and members of the council of Utrecht, and to all other justiciaries and officers whom it may concern, to the lieutenants all and every of them, to cause this our ordinance to be published and proclaimed throughout their respective jurisdictions, in the usual places appointed for that purpose, that none may plead ignorance. And to cause our said ordinance to be observed inviolably, punishing the offenders impartially and without delay; for so it is found expedient for the public good. And, for better maintaining all and every article hereof, we give to all and every one of you, by express command, full power and authority. In witness whereof we have hereunto set our hands and seals, dated in our assembly at the Hague, the six and twentieth day of July, 1581, indorsed by the orders of the states-general, and signed J. De Asseliers.

荷蘭獨立宣言也稱誓絕法案,(荷蘭語: Plakkaat van Verlatinghe),於1581年7月26日簽署,是低地國家西班牙王國分離出來的獨立宣言,這項條例受烏得勒支同盟影響。[1]



誓約法案》荷蘭語Plakkaat van Verlatinghe西班牙語Acta de Abjuración字面意思是“誓言標語牌”)是荷蘭的獨立宣言效忠西班牙腓力二世許多省份荷蘭統治時期,

已批准1581 年 7 月 26 日
雅克·塔亞特 雅各
瓦爾克彼得·範·迪文 揚

該法案於 1581 年 7 月 26 日在海牙簽署,正式確認了荷蘭議會在四天前安特衛普所做的決定。它宣布烏得勒支聯盟各省的所有地方法官都不再宣誓效忠他們的領主菲利普,他也是西班牙國王。給出的理由是腓力沒有履行對臣民的義務,壓迫他們並侵犯他們古老的權利。因此,菲利普被認為放棄了簽署該法案的各省統治者的王位。

《誓約法案》允許新獨立的領土進行自治,儘管它們首先將王位交給了其他候選人。 1587 年,由於弗朗索瓦·弗蘭克 (François Vranck)的推論等原因,這項計畫失敗了,各省於 1588 年成為共和國。

在此期間,佛蘭德斯和布拉班特省的大部分地區以及蓋爾勒省的一小部分被西班牙重新佔領。這些地區的部分收復給西班牙導致了弗蘭德倫州、布拉班特州、奧弗馬斯州和蓋爾雷州 的建立。



1544 年,神聖羅馬帝國皇帝兼西班牙國王查理五世在其勃艮第領土上併入了格爾德斯公國,哈布斯堡尼德蘭17 個省通過聯合體聯合起來。批准,該公國成為一個獨立的實體[ 1 ]

1555年查理退位,他的兒子西班牙國王菲利普二世繼承了這些省份。儘管自1477 年 2 月 10 日勃艮地瑪麗大憲章或特權》以來,各省都在荷蘭議會中擁有代表

荷蘭起義中,從 1568 年起,其中幾個省份起來反抗腓力。考慮到當時的君主制精神,起義必須在某種程度上被證明是合理的——正如荷蘭起義領袖沉默者威廉所說的那樣——作為「共和國古老的特權和自由應該恢復」的嘗試;[ 2 ]部分是針對皇家議員,而不是國王:[ 3 ]因此,法律上的虛構被維持為只是反抗他的總督,依次是阿爾巴公爵路易斯·德·蘇尼加·雷克森斯奧地利約翰國王[需要引用]

然而,到了 1576年根特平定之時,這種藉口已經失效。當唐璜於1577 年攻擊安特衛普和那慕爾時,議會——就像省級莊園對非保皇黨總督所做的那樣——任命馬蒂亞斯大公為腓力的侄子擔任總督,未經腓力同意。[註1 ]馬提亞斯年輕且經驗不足,沒有攜帶自己的資源參加與腓力的戰鬥。在帕爾馬公爵開始嚴重侵犯與他的阿拉斯聯盟的一些南部省份的綏靖統一之後,這成為一個嚴重的問題,叛亂的北部省份以他們自己的烏得勒支聯盟作為回應兩者都是在1579年 每個工會都組成了自己的三級會議]4[因此,沉默的威廉決定,叛逆的荷蘭應該尋找一位能帶來有用的外國盟友的霸主。他希望不願成為別人總督的法國國王亨利三世的弟弟和假定繼承人安茹公爵弗朗西斯就是這樣的人。叛亂的國家總督被說服將荷蘭的主權交給他,他透過《普萊西萊圖爾條約》接受了這一點,而馬蒂亞斯則被慷慨的年金收買。然而,荷蘭和澤蘭並沒有加入這項提議,而是更願意指望威廉本人來移交主權。[ 5 ]


19 世紀描繪的《悔罪法案》的簽署

荷蘭主權的轉移提出了一個重大問題:城市和農村地區的法官以及各省本身都宣誓效忠菲利普。在這個君主制時代,效忠宣誓受到非常嚴肅的對待。只要能夠掩蓋與腓力的衝突,這些地方官就可以假裝仍然忠於國王,但如果新的君主得到承認,他們就必須做出選擇。由於菲利普的行為,叛逆的議會於 1581 年 6 月 14 日決定正式宣布王位空缺。[ 6 ]因此,《赦免法案》的荷蘭語名稱為:“Plakkaat van Verlatinghe”,可翻譯為“遺棄標語牌”。[註2 ]這並不是指菲利普被臣民拋棄,而是指荷蘭「羊群」被邪惡的「牧羊人」菲利普拋棄。[需要引用]

由四名成員組成的委員會 - 安德里斯·赫塞爾斯 (Andries Hessels),布拉班特州州長(秘書); Jacques Tayaert,根特退休金領取者; Jacob Valcke,特爾戈斯市(現為戈斯)的退休金領取者;梅赫倫市的退休金領取者彼得·範·迪文(Pieter van Dieven,又名彼得魯斯·迪瓦烏斯)負責起草後來的《誓言法案》。[ 6 ]該法案禁止在所有法律事務中使用菲利普的名字和印章,並禁止在鑄造硬幣時使用他的名字或徽章。它授權各省議會從此發布地方法官的任命。該法案解除了所有治安法官先前對菲利普的效忠誓言,並根據州議會規定的表格,規定了對他們所服務的省份各州的新效忠誓言。[註3 ]實際草案似乎是由眾議院議員[註4 ] Jan van Asseliers 撰寫的。 [ 7 ]

該法案因其廣泛的序言而引人注目,序言採用了意識形態辯護的形式,表述為對菲利普國王的起訴書(詳細的不滿清單)。這種形式與《美國獨立宣言》有著驚人的相似之處,引起了人們的猜測,托馬斯·傑斐遜在撰寫後者時,至少部分受到了《誓言法案》的啟發。[ 8 [ 9 ]

序言是根據菲利普·德·莫奈 (Philippe de Mornay)《反暴君》而寫的,其他君主的作品也可能是靈感的來源。[ 10 ]叛亂分子在訴諸公眾輿論時,可能認為引用「權威」消息來源並提及他們希望捍衛的「古老權利」更為重要。透過罷免違反與臣民之間的社會契約的統治者,他們是第一個應用這些理論思想的人。歷史學家彼得·蓋爾 (Pieter Geyl)將《誓約法案》描述為“對中世紀堅定的自由傳統的相當出色的表達,儘管是遲來的”,並指出,雖然該法案中表達的原則源自加爾文主義,但該文件缺乏純粹的宗教論證。[ 11 ]




《誓約法案》並沒有解決低地國家的權威問題。腓利不承認該法案,也不承認安茹公爵的主權,同時他已經宣布奧蘭治的威廉為非法,並懸賞要他的人頭。[ 12 ]許多地方法官拒絕宣誓並寧願辭去職務,從而改變了荷蘭許多叛亂城市的政治構成,強化了激進分子。[需要引用]同時,三級會議有自己的權威主張,事實上,威廉作為他們在大多數省份的代表也是如此,[ 13 ]而安茹則被留下作為一個空虛的傀儡。後者對自己有限的權力並不滿意,並試圖征服包括安特衛普在內的許多城市。他對後者的攻擊被稱為“法國之怒”,導致了恥辱性的擊退,並極大地損害了公爵的聲譽。[ 14 ]

這導致三級會議開始尋找不同的主權國家。第一次試圖讓英國伊麗莎白一世獲得主權的嘗試沒有成功,沉默者威廉被要求承擔“空缺”的荷蘭伯爵頭銜,但他於 1584 年在安排最終確定之前被暗殺。《絕倫條約》簽訂後,伊莉莎白同意以荷蘭叛軍的保護者身分向他們提供援助,但並未取得主權。[ 15 ]根據該條約的規定,第一代萊斯特伯爵羅伯特·達德利被任命為荷蘭總督。然而,就像安茹公爵的「統治」一樣,這被證明是令人失望的。 1587 年萊斯特離開後,鑑於英國歷史學家約翰·赫克斯特布爾·埃利奧特 (John Huxtable Elliott)所說的“君主制思想在屢次失敗的情況下緩慢衰落”,[ 16 ]總督決定自行承擔主權,從而使七個[註5 ]聯合省為共和國。[需要引用]



八十年戰爭荷蘭語Tachtigjarige Oorlog;西班牙語:Guerra de los Ochenta Años),又稱為荷蘭起義荷蘭語Nederlandse Opstand)、法蘭德斯戰爭(西班牙語:Guerra de Flandes),是一場哈布斯堡尼德蘭(或西屬尼德蘭)與西班牙帝國於1568年至1648年期間爆發的戰爭,其中於1609年—1621年之間存在了12年的和平時期(稱為「十二年休戰」)。八十年戰爭過後尼德蘭七省聯邦共和國獨立,成為「荷蘭共和國」,因此八十年戰爭也被認為是荷蘭獨立戰爭





英格蘭王國 英格蘭王國
法蘭西王國法蘭西王國 法蘭西王國

葡萄牙 葡萄牙王國
(自1641年)[note 5]


西班牙 西班牙帝國

葡萄牙 葡萄牙帝國
(c.1580–1640)[note 6]

哈布斯堡君主國 、神聖羅馬帝國
(1629, 1632, 1635)[note 7]

初始階段,西班牙費利佩二世的軍隊收復了大部分反叛的省份。然而,在被放逐的威廉一世的領導下,北方各省繼續他們的抵抗,並成功地驅逐了哈布斯堡王朝的軍隊,並於1581年,成立了尼德蘭七省聯邦共和國[note 8] 共和國的心臟地帶的威脅解除了,不過戰爭持續在其他區域進行。





















喀爾文派的游擊隊、「丐軍」開始在陸上和海上不斷進行襲擊和搶劫活動。同年5月25日,拿騷的路易(Louis of Nassau,1538-1574)指揮的一支荷蘭人小部隊在海利赫萊(Heiligerlee)首戰告捷,但同年7月在耶明根(Jemmingen)之戰中受挫。然而,「乞丐軍」的活動仍非常頻繁,他們封鎖了布魯塞爾的出海口。




1574年,西班牙軍隊圍攻萊頓未果。同年4月,拿騷的路易斯莫克荒原之戰中兵敗被殺。後來,尼德蘭南方各省按照1576年根特協定(Pacification of Ghent)與北方聯合,以驅逐西班牙軍隊。西班牙新任總督亞歷山大·法爾內塞遂卒軍重新征服南方各省。



1579年,南方各省接受安撫,結成阿拉斯同盟(Union of Arras),向西班牙人妥協;北方各省則於同年成立聯省共和國(United Provinces,即烏特勒支同盟),進而謀求更大程度的自治。

1581年,位於低地國家(今天荷蘭、比利時)等地的七個行省聯合起來,宣布成立「尼德蘭七省共和國」(De Republiek der Zeven Verenigde Nederlanden),開始對西班牙海外據點發動攻擊。[16]








1599 年至 1609 年是西班牙帝國與新興荷蘭共和國之間八十年戰爭(約 1568 年至 1648 年)的一個階段。 在此之後的十年(1588-1598)中,荷蘭國家軍隊在拿騷總督莫里斯和拿騷-迪倫堡的威廉·路易斯的領導下進行了重大征服,並以十二年休戰(1609- 1621)的結束而結束)於 1609 年 4 月 9 日。1599 年至 1609 年期間總體上處於僵局。 著名的尼烏波特戰役(1600 年)為荷蘭人帶來了戰術上的勝利,但沒有長期收益,而西班牙人在奧斯坦德圍城戰(1601-1604 年)和斯皮諾拉的1605 -1606 年戰役中的征服卻被荷蘭人有效地平衡了。荷蘭海軍在直布羅陀海戰(1607 年)中取得勝利,同年西班牙國家破產財務困難是促使荷蘭人、尤其是西班牙人走上談判桌尋求停火的主要原因之一。



軍事維持和貿易減少使西班牙和荷蘭共和國都面臨財政壓力。 為了緩和局勢,1609 年 4 月 9 日在安特衛普簽署了停火協議,標誌著荷蘭起義的結束和十二年休戰的開始。 對荷蘭倡議者約翰·凡·奧爾登巴內維爾特來說,這項休戰的締結是重大的外交政變,因為西班牙透過締結該條約,正式承認了共和國的獨立。 在西班牙,停戰被視為重大恥辱——她遭受了政治、軍事和意識形態的失敗,對其威望的侮辱是巨大的。關閉斯海爾德河以禁止進出安特衛普,以及接受荷蘭在西班牙和葡萄牙殖民海上航道上的商業活動只是西班牙人反對的幾個問題。

儘管國際層面和平,荷蘭國內事務卻陷入政治動盪。 最初的神學爭論導致了抗議者(阿民念派)和反抗議者(戈馬主義者)之間的騷亂。 一般來說,攝政王會支持前者,平民會支持後者。 就連政府也介入其中,奧爾登巴內維爾特站在抗議者這邊,而拿騷總督莫里斯則站在反對者這邊。 最終,多特主教會議譴責抗議者為異端,並將他們逐出國家公共教會。 範·奧爾登巴內維爾特和他的盟友吉爾斯·範·萊登伯格被判死刑,而另外兩名抗議者盟友朗布特·霍格貝茨和雨果·格老秀斯則被判終身監禁。





1621 年至 1648 年是西班牙帝國與新興荷蘭共和國之間八十年戰爭(約 1568 年至 1648 年)的最後階段。 它始於十二年休戰協議(1609-1621)到期,並於 1648 年以《明斯特和約》結束。

儘管荷蘭人和西班牙人在於利希-克利夫斯貝格的於利希王位繼承戰爭(1609 年6 月– 1610 年10 月;1614 年5 月– 1614 年10 月)中都捲入了對立的雙方,但他們小心翼翼地避開對方,因此敵對行動從未蔓延回來。然而,談判最終和平的嘗試也失敗了,戰爭如預期於 1621 年重新開始。從本質上講,它成為了更廣泛的三十年戰爭的一個側面戰區,這場戰爭已經隨著1618 年神聖羅馬帝國東部地區(波希米亞和奧地利)爆發的波西米亞起義而爆發,使中歐新教聯盟與天主教聯盟展開對立,儘管這兩種衝突從未完全融合。經過幾次來回——尤其是西班牙人於1625 年征服了布雷達,但荷蘭人於1637 年將其奪回——荷蘭共和國最終征服了東部邊界的奧爾登扎爾(Oldenzaal,1626 ) 和格羅恩洛(Groenlo,1627) 堡壘,










西班牙共和國之間的談判於1646年1月正式開始,這是交戰各方在三十年戰爭中進行更為全面的和平談判的一部分。總幹事派出了來自幾個省的八名代表,因為沒有人相信其他省份能夠充分代表他們。其中有上愛塞省的威廉·凡·里珀達(Willem van Ripperda),菲士蘭省的弗蘭斯·凡·多尼(Frans van Doni),格羅寧根的阿德里安·克蘭特(Adriaen Clant tot Stedum)、阿德里安·鮑爾(Adriaen Pauw)和揚·凡·馬森斯(Jan van Mathenesse)、巴特爾德·凡·根特(Barthold van Gent)、澤蘭省的約翰·凡·諾伊特(Johan de Knuyt)。西班牙代表團由佩納蘭達伯爵加斯帕爾·德·布拉卡蒙特領導。談判在明斯特的「尼德蘭之家」舉行。1648年,雙方簽訂了西發里亞和約,結束了八十年戰爭和三十年戰爭。依約,尼德蘭南方各省仍為西屬尼德蘭。


該條約的案文(共79條)於1648年1月30日確定。然後將其送交校長(西班牙國王費利佩四世和國家將軍)批准。 4月4日,五個省投票批准。烏特勒支最終屈服於其他省份的壓力,但澤蘭堅持並拒絕簽署。最終決定在沒有澤蘭同意的情況下批准和平。和平會議的代表在1648年5月15日宣布了宣誓的和平。





八十年戰爭(約 1568-1648)的後果對低地國家、西班牙帝國、神聖羅馬帝國以及其他國家產生了深遠的軍事、政治、社會經濟、宗教和文化影響。歐洲地區和歐洲海外殖民地。 根據《明斯特與約》(1648 年5 月15 日),哈布斯堡王朝的尼德蘭一分為二,北部新教統治的荷蘭成為荷蘭共和國,獨立於西班牙和神聖羅馬帝國,而南部天主教統治的西屬尼德蘭仍處於統治之下。西班牙哈布斯堡王朝主權。 西班牙帝國和荷蘭南部在財政和人口上都遭到了破壞,政治和經濟都在衰落,而荷蘭共和國卻成為了全球商業強國,並為其上層和中產階級實現了高度繁榮,被稱為荷蘭黃金時代,儘管仍然存在巨大的社會經濟、地理和宗教不平等和問題,以及內部和外部政治、軍事和宗教衝突。




1 則留言:

  1. 荷蘭這些受到希伯來主義影響的神學家中間,最重要的是兩個人,一個是格勞修斯,我們都熟悉的國際海洋法學家,他現在是以此聞名的,但是當時他是一個非常傾向于共和主義的具有現實政治關懷的學者。他主張,現實的荷蘭共和國之所以還有許多不盡人意的地方,歸根結底還是因為我們沒有完善的範本,也就是離希伯萊長老共和國的範本還差的很遠,正確的辦法就是我們復古維新,按照這個範本的要求重新改造我們的荷蘭共和國。荷蘭共和國真正的法統是封建性的法統,奧蘭治家族這樣的封建貴族反對西班牙國王的理由是什麼呢?因為西班牙國王作為領主,他沒有遵守領主和附庸之間的封建契約,侵犯他的附庸的權利,所以儘管你是國王,但是我們仍然要反對你。你看現在的荷蘭國歌,荷蘭國歌好像是現在世界上國歌中間最長的,如果不是最長的也是最長的之一,它一開始就唱:
    請賜勇氣於我 — —
    在這種情況下,辦事情是非常困難的,我們就說奧蘭治親王渡海入侵英國這件事就能看出來了,阿姆斯特丹就是他的政敵,他要是想說服阿姆斯特丹支持他的行動那是萬分不可能的,阿姆斯特丹又是荷蘭最有錢的市政,所以即使把其他市政的代表都塞到阿姆斯特丹市政廳去,估計那些富有的商人也完全有實力至少是供他們十年八年吃喝的,你想想看十年八年吃喝供下去,那他的艦隊就永遠也出不了海了,等十年過去了那詹姆斯的兒子都長大了,光榮革命也不用再搞了。至於最後奧蘭治親王用什麼神秘莫測的手段把這些阿姆斯特丹的商人給說服了,到現在還是個謎。雖然時間也發生了三百多年,但是沒有任何英國人或者是荷蘭人清楚,他到底許諾了什麼利益或者怎麼收買了他們改變了主意,本來那些人以前一直是反對他的。這件事情光榮革命居然能搞成的話,應該是一項嚴重的奇跡。後來梅奈根條約(Treaty of Nijmegen)簽訂的時候,荷蘭大使說服法國路易十四的代表都比較容易,說服本國的阿姆斯特丹和其他市政代表要複雜多了,路易十四一個人就可以拿主意,荷蘭那些亂七八糟的市政一個一個舉行表決通過,那不知道要到猴年馬月去了。


Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.

耶 穌 對 他 說 : 你 要 盡 心 、 盡 性 、 盡 意 愛 主 ─ 你 的 神 。

—— Matthew 22:37 —— 馬 太 福 音 22:37