In the early twenties aeronauts strode too perfect a strange windmill on wheels called
the helicopter this French model flew for only a few precarious moments and never got as high
as an elephant's eye in its achievement was a new world record and an important advance in aviation
I'll for the war she's running wild a pilot could easily lose his head which he ran in
the wrong direction early helicopters were dangerous careful men watch out for tricks
in Detroit the first umbrella helicopter makes its bow as light as lead and cast iron could
make her this under-grown carousel was supposed to jump into the air try this on your next hangover
back in France there appeared a new kind of copter driven by a pair of oversized
pinwheels this aerial bucking bronco had the stability of an intoxicated chorus
girl and required a ground crew skilled in the hundred-yard dash
the pilot were added for control some control just let her loose and where she
goes nobody knows they called her the flying sausage but to that perspiring
ground crew she was just a lot of baloney this is how they got airsick back in 1921
Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.
耶 穌 對 他 說 : 你 要 盡 心 、 盡 性 、 盡 意 愛 主 ─ 你 的 神 。
—— Matthew 22:37 —— 馬 太 福 音 22:37