Jesus, The Soul Shepherd


around 2 000 years ago jesus was born in bethlehem [Music]

and the first people the angels announced his birth to were shepherds out watching their flocks

this was fitting because jesus was a descendant from a long line of shepherds

including abraham isaac jacob judah and david

like his forefathers jesus also was a shepherd even though as far as we know he never

led any sheep instead he led people [Music]

the bible metaphorically gives jesus a title the great shepherd of his sheep

and just as his forefathers tended their flocks in israel israel is also the setting for jesus's

earthly shepherding

six years ago i moved my wife and three young children to israel just as my father had moved his family

to the middle east when i was a boy i grew up camping in the desert where i

first got acquainted with the nomadic shepherds known as bedouin [Music]

this background helped me to get to know the bedouin living in israel

who tend their flocks in the very same places that the shepherds in the bible

did their shepherding thousands of years ago [Music]

[Applause] [Music] [Applause]

[Music] you're the filmer i'm the i'm the

shepherd savior june [Music]

[Applause] [Music]

from what i've filmed over the last several years you're gonna see a lot of shots of

bedouin and their sheep [Music] but this movie isn't actually about them

this movie is about you [Music]

you see the shepherding that takes place in israel today can help us more deeply

understand our own relationship with the one the apostle peter called

the shepherd of your souls

okay [Music]

[Music] shepherding is all about calling and

listening these are the same kind of sheep that we

read about in the bible today they're known as fat tail sheep this breed of sheep instinctively

follows the voice of their shepherd

and it's this act of following that keeps them alive [Music]

you see sheep don't know where to find good pasture or where to find water or

shelter only the shepherd knows where all the needs of his flaw can be met

and so he calls to them and they follow him to food drink and protection

metaphorically this is what a relationship with jesus looks like human souls following the voice of the

only one who knows where to lead them


so [Music]

for most of the year in israel food is scarce

shepherds must lead their flocks great distances to keep them fed

for a short time after the rainy season pasture becomes

lush only under these conditions can well-fed sheep lay down and rest

in the bible metaphor food represents god's truth jesus taught that the food that the soul

lives on is every word that comes from the mouth of god

[Music] [Laughter]



the shepherd david wrote about his own relationship with the lord in psalm 23.


so [Music]

most of the water available to flocks in israel is found at the bottom of deep wells

therefore sheep and goats must completely rely upon their shepherd to give them water

in the biblical metaphor water represents the holy spirit jesus called the holy spirit living

water and promised anyone who drank of it that they would live forever

and anyone who wanted to drink of the holy spirit had to rely on jesus because

he was the only one that could give it to them [Music]

sheep are completely helpless against their enemies and in israel the number one enemy of

sheep has always been and continues to be the wolf

the bible describes wolves as being savage and ferocious

despite the fact that the bible describes gazelle as being swift and alert

they often fall prey to wolves

and since a wolf can easily kill a gazelle a sheep has no chance at all

this reality raises an important question how is it that helpless sheep are

protected from wolves one day in israel i was filming this

wolf notice how he hunkers down when he crosses my scent path

and after he smells me immediately he starts looking for me you see wolves are

afraid of people and the only thing that protects sheep from wolves is that they

are in the presence of a human shepherd

david wrote about this in psalm 23 when he says [Music] though i walk through the valley of the

shadow of death i will fear no evil for you are with me in other words david is

protected from his spiritual enemy because he is in the presence of the lord his shepherd

in the shepherding metaphor the wolf represents our spiritual enemy

but the devil and his demons are terrified of jesus and so it's being in the presence of

jesus our shepherd that protects us from evil

there is something else that shepherds use to protect their sheep from wolves

nighttime is when sheep are the most vulnerable to wolf attack

so before sunset a shepherd gets his flock into one of

these a sheep pen

sheep pens protect sheep throughout the night from wolves in the bible metaphor a sheep pen

represents heaven and eternal life so we can see how souls go to heaven by

understanding how shepherds use sheep pens

so a sheep pen is made up of these stone walls that come together and form a narrow opening so before evening sets in

the shepherd gets his flock into the protection of a sheep pen and then he himself serves as the gate to a sheep by

sitting or laying in this narrow opening so that nothing can get in and nothing

can get out without going through the shepherd [Music]

so [Music]

[Applause] [Music]

just as sheep have life with their shepherd so the human soul has life with god


but the bible describes a soul that's separated from god as being like sheep

without a shepherd [Music]

one day i was randomly filming a shepherd and his flock off in the distance when i noticed this sheep going

astray the shepherd doesn't see this stray and continues up the valley with the rest of

his flock this sheep has chosen not to follow its shepherd but instead to go

its own way at one point the sheep even takes one last look back at what it's leaving behind

and what is leaving behind is the very person it needs to survive

it's hard to imagine but it's true that most lost sheep got that way like

this one by choice

this sheep is straying from the human presence that protects it nor will it be able to find water or the

protection of a sheep pen come nightfall

and the penalty of such a choice is death


without a shepherd the sheep will never live long enough to die of thirst

the wolves will get it first

and this is why the bible describes a lost sheep as being food for all the wild animals



the bible tells us that sin is choosing our own way so that we can do what we

want rather than following god and that sin is what separates us from

god and the penalty of sin is death

a lost soul is helpless and therefore

the only hope that a lost soul has to live is if its shepherd

will seek it out find it and rescue it

[Music] right





in ezekiel chapter 34 god says my sheep have become food for all the

wild animals since there was no shepherd

i myself will be the shepherd of my sheep i will seek the lost and bring back the

strayed in fulfillment of this jesus said of himself

for the son of man came to seek and to save the lost

whoever hears my word and believes has crossed over

from death to life [Music]


if the shepherd doesn't hear the faint cry of the weak then a life is lost

shepherding is a relationship between the many who are weak depending upon the one who is strong


a relationship based on grace and mercy [Music]

and trust

a relationship of tender care

and love

[Music] there are some tactics shepherds use in an attempt to try and teach a wandering

sheep to follow but in the end such things can't be forced

in the end every soul must choose to either be with god or without him

in the end every soul must choose between life and death


in the bible shepherding metaphor sheep represent the souls that choose god while the souls who don't are the goats

we're not sure why maybe it's because goats are stronger and therefore often mean to sheep

whatever the reason it's often not hard to imagine goats as representing evil


almost all bedouin owned both sheep and goats but out in the field i began to notice

that many of the flocks were either made up of all goats or all sheep

all goats all sheep

goats sheep goats

the reason for this is that goats are tougher than sheep and so they can feed in places that

sheep can't

therefore shepherds don't want their goats grazing where only their sheep can go to feed

for this reason in the early morning a shepherd will separate his goats from his sheep

one shepherd takes the sheep into the gentle valleys to graze

while another shepherd takes the goats to a more rugged feeding ground

this process of separation is what jesus used figuratively to describe what the

day of judgment will be like [Music]




jesus said to the souls of people i am the good shepherd the good shepherd

lays down his life for the sheep come follow me

i am the way the truth and the life

enter through the narrow gate for wide is the gate that leads to destruction

but small is the gate that leads to life and only if you find it

no one comes to the father except through me

i tell you the truth a time is coming and has now come

when the dead will hear the voice of the son of god and those who hear

will live first peter 2 25 says of jesus

he himself bore our sins and his body on the tree so that we might die to sins and live

for righteousness by his wounds you have been healed

for you were like sheep going astray but now you have returned

to the shepherd and overseer of your souls

I was homeless, got into drugs, went into prisons, then i got to know Jesus, He changed my life.. Now i have a home, a wife, a lovely daughter and a new identity... A child of God.. Hallelujah

I've walked away, many times. Please Jesus hear my cry. Please forgive my stubbornness and hard-heartedness. Please forgive my doubts and unfaithfulness and mistrust. Please I beg of you. I know you are my provider, healer, peacemaker, and waymaker. Let me hear your voice. Thank you, Lord, for all of Joel’s videos. Visually beautiful videos that make you more personal to me. In Jesus’ name.

The shepherd being reunited with his lost sheep and loving it was one of the most beautiful things I’ve ever seen.

Thank you Jesus, for leaving the 99 to come rescue me. Amazing grace ❤!

My eyes needed to see this. My ears needed to hear this. My heart, soul (spirit) needed to feel this. I understand just how much Love Jesus has for me. I'm very humbled by this video. Thank you brother.

I’ve been that stray several times and Jesus has lead me back every time. Never again do I want to stray away from Jesus. This thing we call life, people is not a game it’s a spiritual battle. Please put on the full armor of God. Thank you Jesus!

This is so far the best visual analogy of Jesus the shepherd and his sheep. I am in tears watching this. Thank you and God bless!

I loaned a sheep to a very large church to use in a Christmas play. I sat about halfway up the aisle and about 6 seats from the end of the row. As the shepherd was leading the animals up the aisle (in the dark) I turned around to see my sheep being led. She glanced over in the dark and locked her eyes on me. She was so determined to come to me that it took about 4 grown men to lead my sheep past me. I relate so much to this story.

This is such a beautiful contextual image of Psalm 23 and Jesus our Good Shepherd. When only 8 yrs old, I listened in church to a sermon about the Good Shepherd. At the end, the pastor invited all who wanted Jesus to be their Good Shepherd to come forward and I did. Though young and naive in faith, and though I later wandered away, He was faithful to seek and find me and bring me back into His fold. So this film has deep, personal meaning for me. Jesus is indeed the Great, Good Shepherd.

It amazed me how the l lost sheep when it heard the call of its master, the sheep bowed down is head in shame, it couldn't even look at the Sheppard as he's calling and coming. No Response from the sheep, acting deaf and scared. Then the Sheppard just Hugs the Sheep with so much love and leads it back home. So kindly.🙏🏾 ❤ Thank You Christ Jesus

That was honestly one of the greatest videos I've ever watched on YouTube I was mesmerised by what I've just seen it was so compelling it gave me such an incredible feeling that Jesus was right there with me. Jesus Christ of Nazereth is my Lord and my shepherd may I please enter your narrow gate while you watch over me Lord.

I could not stop crying while watching this. I didn't expect it and I didn't understand it but I couldn't stop. Seeing how the shepherds interact with their sheep, actually petting them tenderly and lovingly like their pet, calling to them, pursuing them, caring for them, protecting them was surprisingly moving. Hearing how the shepherds actions have purpose and how those purposes perfectly align with scripture gave me a much deeper understanding and gratitude and filled my heart so much I couldn't hold it in. Thank you for depicting this in such a beautiful way.

Excellent presentation brother. I understood but seeing it visually, makes it mean so much more. Wow our God is amazing.

An excellent one! When the sheep was going away from the shepherd, I was literally begging it not to leave the safety of the shepherd! And I silently prayed for My Shepherd to help me remain by His Side. The faintest cry of the weak one was heard, picked up and cuddled, thank You Lord for Your ever listening Ears to my faintest cry. Then the shepherd putting his sheep in the pen and and shielding its passage with his own presence at the door, was another hit. No wonder my Lord says in Him I live, and move and have my being, and none can pluck me out of His Hands. As long as I am with the Shepherd I am safe. This film really drove home the meaning of the shepherd and sheep Biblical teachings. It made it clearer. Every part illustrates the Lord's great love for me.

The Lord is my shepherd and I will follow him no matter what

It's fabulously filmed and brings home the meaning of a Good Shepherd, Jesus says he is our Good Shepherd and that he laid down his life for his sheep. What a savior.

I have a small flock. They continually remind me of the scriptures. This is pure truth in video. Thank you brother. God bless.

21:53 Hosea 11:4 NKJV “I drew them with gentle cords, With bands of love, And I was to them as those who take the yoke from their neck. I stooped and fed them.” Thank you, Brother Joel, for this video. God is using it and you to reach the lost. I am writing this with tears for the Lord has been faithful to me, and He has led me throughout this life with His lovingkindness. God bless you.

Yesterday I finished a book called “A Shepherd’s Look at the 23 Psalm. Within the last few weeks He has been showing me He is my Shepherd King and now I see this. O how good He is!

Thank you Jesus for rescuing me. I love you wholeheartedly. May I never turn away from you again 🙏🏽

5 minutes in and I'm already crying. God's goodness is overwhelming, no matter how many times I hear what He has done for us, I'm always in awe of Him.

Praises and thanks the Lord for everything. God bless all reading messages and watching this video.

Jesus delivered me from alcoholism 10 years ago. I love my Savior Jesus that found this lost sheep. Praise you Jesus!

Psalm 23: My most favored Psalm to cite, to read, and to sing -- Comforting my heart, my very soul

That was wonderful!!! Thank you for such a wonderful video essay about shepherding. It brings the Bible into a clearer context, and makes me appreciate all the more this image of Christ as our shepherd and savior.

When I saw the Shepherd reunite with his sheep, I imagined him saying: “There you are! I found you. Why did you leave me?” Then I thought about how Jesus watches us and might wonder the same thing. I’m so glad He still comes to look for us.

This is the most powerful thing I've ever seen. Thank you. Bless you.

I had to stop in the middle of this film, go in my prayer closet and just be with God alone. So very well done. Thank you.

Beautifully written and assembled. This was a fresh feeling gospel presentation even though it was the original way it was explained. My heart jumped for joy listening to this. We should forward it to people who need to hear it.

I needed to see and hear this so bad I couldn’t help but to fall into tears and repeat how much I love our father in heaven and how blessed I am to have met him

This so beautifully portrays our beloved God. His love for us is so powerful we can't even imagine it.

What a masterpiece!! Thank you Lord Jesus for leading my brother to make this video!!

My wife and I watched this video and we learned so much. It even brought her to tears. Thank you for all that you are doing for the glory of God! I binged all of your videos and can’t wait for more.

Absolute heat. This video needs to be seen by every Christian on earth.

What a wonderful short film explaining the relationship of Jesus, our shepherd, and sheep who are souls. I have read all of these passages in the Bible and know them, but never heard such a beautiful, simple and true explanation of this relationship of the shepherd and his flock. Thank you for this film. May God Bless you.

This is most certainly my favorite film of all time. Praise the Lord our Shepherd and thank you brother, for being a vessel unto His Holy Spirit. Maranatha

So beautiful. It brought me to tears. Yes, I will follow You, my Shepherd.

My tears fall when the shepherd seek the lost truly he is the good shepherd coz no matter how many times i choose to go on my own he keeps finding me back home Thank you Jesus

Oh wow.. this touched me so profoundly in ways that I didn't even know I needed healing in. That image of the little lamb being carried by the shepherd, in his bag on the side, and then how he brings that lamb to the flock.. the first thing the lamb does, even though it is surrounded by other sheep, and probably also his mother, is turn its face towards the shepherd. I immediately realised that it was God who GAVE me to my parents, but that HE is my true father. This is the first time that my soul 'sees' this. I cried. I cried also for the image of the one who got astray, it was as if I saw God Himself walk toward His own, when I saw the herder approach his lost one. I am healing from something for which I have no words, God is restoring some brokenness in me, and I am so grateful that He led me to this video, thanks so much for making it!

Thank you!!! Sooo beautiful!!! LORD you found me, just in time!!! I'm coming!!! And never want to leave Your side again!!!


I never understood till I saw this and I cried because now I know just how much Jesus loves me and the words spoken in the Bible makes sense to me thank you with all my heart I save this video and watch it from time to time how good it makes me feel

thank you Jesus for accepting me back from my wicked life.

OH MY GOSH!!! This is soooooooo good!!! Really ministered the heart of my Good Shepherd JESUS!!!!

I'm in tears. YHVH loves all His children. What a wonderful visual dear brother. Thank you!

Wow! This is such a fantastic presentation of our relationship with our Saviour Jesus Christ. We need to stay close to our Shepherd in these very evil times. Praise our Lord Jesus Christ!

what a great metaphor i learned quite a bit especially the part with the sheep pen and how the shepherd is the gate, beautiful

Brought tears to my eyes. How beautiful, wonderful is our God Jesus. Thank you taking the time to make this movie, it really illustrates the parables used by Jesus as many of us are not familiar with the life of a Shepherd.

That is such a beautiful story of Jesus love and protection of us who have asked Him to come into our life. Thank you

I absolutely loved this.....made me cry. It's just so simple, all we need is Jesus!

I sent this video to my family and church brothers. What a blessing to be able to see the spiritual reality through an actual physical example of the Biblical analogy. I feel so loved, protected and cared for...! Thank you Jesus! You ARE the Great Shepherd of our souls! Help us to trust You more!

This was such a blessing. Thank you for the video and thank you Jesus for being my shepherd I was so lost.

Thank you for this video. As a believer I have read and heard all these scriptures but without really understanding the context of the life and work of shepherds. After watching this, all I could do was sit silently. I am still so emotional as I process all this new information that has truly brought greater understanding of what God my Father, Jesus Christ my Savior and the Holy Spirit my teacher has really been saying all a long in scripture. Thank you!

Truly a beautiful presentation thank you for this arrangement the layout the storyline the clarification of versus and biblical themes the stories it's perfect thank you very much for this brother

This is the sweetest image of our Loving Savior Jesus. Thank you!

Jesus I know I need to stop acting like a teenager and get my life back on track with you ❤ one of my favorite things about you Jesus is no matter how much I struggle or try to push you away you still never give up on me and hold on to me tightly ❤ thank you Jesus

This was beautifully done. Thank you for these images. Glory forever be to God.

Sir, you may be an archeologist by profession but you are an excellent teacher as a result of you passion for Jesus! Jesus is not the shepherd I deserve but the Shepard I need!

I have now watched and listened to this clip four times. It brings me to tears just agreeing that the analogy of Christ in The Good Shepherd is so present in my life. Thank you for this timely message. More please!! 🙏

This was absolutely beautiful. I almost cried at the metaphors showing the love our wonderful Shepherd has for us who follow Him.

I was a stray sheep but I cried out to God and He answered me and I heard his voice and now I follow Him. I loved this video, I enjoy all your work but this one so far spoke volumes more than all the others.

I could not stop from crying. It definitely make me understand and realize how much more we need our shepherd every step of our way.

I finally understand what "He makes me lie down in green pastures" mean. Thank you!

How beautiful that Jesus gave these timeless images of sheep in the Holy Land. Images given 2000 years ago and now brought to life so brilliantly by Joel.

Powerful video had me on tears. Jesus indeed is the good shepherd!

Cried my eyes out! Beautifully done! Seeing the Shepherd being the door…😢❤. Thank you YESHUA

Thank you so much for this wonderfully made video. Thank you for sharing the gospel in such a beautiful way.

In tears as I drop this text, because how I've taken His Word for granted ❤ and how good and faithful He has been

Beautiful, touching and moving visual of the Lord's compassion towards His sheep. Thank you so much, brother.

In tears of gratitude for Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and His amazing Grace and Love for His children. Amen.



Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.

耶 穌 對 他 說 : 你 要 盡 心 、 盡 性 、 盡 意 愛 主 ─ 你 的 神 。

—— Matthew 22:37 —— 馬 太 福 音 22:37