around 2 000 years ago jesus was born in bethlehem [Music]
and the first people the angels announced his birth to were shepherds out watching their flocks
this was fitting because jesus was a descendant from a long line of shepherds
including abraham isaac jacob judah and david
like his forefathers jesus also was a shepherd even though as far as we know he never
led any sheep instead he led people [Music]
the bible metaphorically gives jesus a title the great shepherd of his sheep
and just as his forefathers tended their flocks in israel israel is also the setting for jesus's
earthly shepherding
six years ago i moved my wife and three young children to israel just as my father had moved his family
to the middle east when i was a boy i grew up camping in the desert where i
first got acquainted with the nomadic shepherds known as bedouin [Music]
this background helped me to get to know the bedouin living in israel
who tend their flocks in the very same places that the shepherds in the bible
did their shepherding thousands of years ago [Music]
[Applause] [Music] [Applause]
[Music] you're the filmer i'm the i'm the
shepherd savior june [Music]
[Applause] [Music]
from what i've filmed over the last several years you're gonna see a lot of shots of
bedouin and their sheep [Music] but this movie isn't actually about them
this movie is about you [Music]
you see the shepherding that takes place in israel today can help us more deeply
understand our own relationship with the one the apostle peter called
the shepherd of your souls
okay [Music]
[Music] shepherding is all about calling and
listening these are the same kind of sheep that we
read about in the bible today they're known as fat tail sheep this breed of sheep instinctively
follows the voice of their shepherd
and it's this act of following that keeps them alive [Music]
you see sheep don't know where to find good pasture or where to find water or
shelter only the shepherd knows where all the needs of his flaw can be met
and so he calls to them and they follow him to food drink and protection
metaphorically this is what a relationship with jesus looks like human souls following the voice of the
only one who knows where to lead them
so [Music]
for most of the year in israel food is scarce
shepherds must lead their flocks great distances to keep them fed
for a short time after the rainy season pasture becomes
lush only under these conditions can well-fed sheep lay down and rest
in the bible metaphor food represents god's truth jesus taught that the food that the soul
lives on is every word that comes from the mouth of god
[Music] [Laughter]
the shepherd david wrote about his own relationship with the lord in psalm 23.
so [Music]
most of the water available to flocks in israel is found at the bottom of deep wells
therefore sheep and goats must completely rely upon their shepherd to give them water
in the biblical metaphor water represents the holy spirit jesus called the holy spirit living
water and promised anyone who drank of it that they would live forever
and anyone who wanted to drink of the holy spirit had to rely on jesus because
he was the only one that could give it to them [Music]
sheep are completely helpless against their enemies and in israel the number one enemy of
sheep has always been and continues to be the wolf
the bible describes wolves as being savage and ferocious
despite the fact that the bible describes gazelle as being swift and alert
they often fall prey to wolves
and since a wolf can easily kill a gazelle a sheep has no chance at all
this reality raises an important question how is it that helpless sheep are
protected from wolves one day in israel i was filming this
wolf notice how he hunkers down when he crosses my scent path
and after he smells me immediately he starts looking for me you see wolves are
afraid of people and the only thing that protects sheep from wolves is that they
are in the presence of a human shepherd
david wrote about this in psalm 23 when he says [Music] though i walk through the valley of the
shadow of death i will fear no evil for you are with me in other words david is
protected from his spiritual enemy because he is in the presence of the lord his shepherd
in the shepherding metaphor the wolf represents our spiritual enemy
but the devil and his demons are terrified of jesus and so it's being in the presence of
jesus our shepherd that protects us from evil
there is something else that shepherds use to protect their sheep from wolves
nighttime is when sheep are the most vulnerable to wolf attack
so before sunset a shepherd gets his flock into one of
these a sheep pen
sheep pens protect sheep throughout the night from wolves in the bible metaphor a sheep pen
represents heaven and eternal life so we can see how souls go to heaven by
understanding how shepherds use sheep pens
so a sheep pen is made up of these stone walls that come together and form a narrow opening so before evening sets in
the shepherd gets his flock into the protection of a sheep pen and then he himself serves as the gate to a sheep by
sitting or laying in this narrow opening so that nothing can get in and nothing
can get out without going through the shepherd [Music]
so [Music]
[Applause] [Music]
just as sheep have life with their shepherd so the human soul has life with god
but the bible describes a soul that's separated from god as being like sheep
without a shepherd [Music]
one day i was randomly filming a shepherd and his flock off in the distance when i noticed this sheep going
astray the shepherd doesn't see this stray and continues up the valley with the rest of
his flock this sheep has chosen not to follow its shepherd but instead to go
its own way at one point the sheep even takes one last look back at what it's leaving behind
and what is leaving behind is the very person it needs to survive
it's hard to imagine but it's true that most lost sheep got that way like
this one by choice
this sheep is straying from the human presence that protects it nor will it be able to find water or the
protection of a sheep pen come nightfall
and the penalty of such a choice is death
without a shepherd the sheep will never live long enough to die of thirst
the wolves will get it first
and this is why the bible describes a lost sheep as being food for all the wild animals
the bible tells us that sin is choosing our own way so that we can do what we
want rather than following god and that sin is what separates us from
god and the penalty of sin is death
a lost soul is helpless and therefore
the only hope that a lost soul has to live is if its shepherd
will seek it out find it and rescue it
[Music] right
in ezekiel chapter 34 god says my sheep have become food for all the
wild animals since there was no shepherd
i myself will be the shepherd of my sheep i will seek the lost and bring back the
strayed in fulfillment of this jesus said of himself
for the son of man came to seek and to save the lost
whoever hears my word and believes has crossed over
from death to life [Music]
if the shepherd doesn't hear the faint cry of the weak then a life is lost
shepherding is a relationship between the many who are weak depending upon the one who is strong
a relationship based on grace and mercy [Music]
and trust
a relationship of tender care
and love
[Music] there are some tactics shepherds use in an attempt to try and teach a wandering
sheep to follow but in the end such things can't be forced
in the end every soul must choose to either be with god or without him
in the end every soul must choose between life and death
in the bible shepherding metaphor sheep represent the souls that choose god while the souls who don't are the goats
we're not sure why maybe it's because goats are stronger and therefore often mean to sheep
whatever the reason it's often not hard to imagine goats as representing evil
almost all bedouin owned both sheep and goats but out in the field i began to notice
that many of the flocks were either made up of all goats or all sheep
all goats all sheep
goats sheep goats
the reason for this is that goats are tougher than sheep and so they can feed in places that
sheep can't
therefore shepherds don't want their goats grazing where only their sheep can go to feed
for this reason in the early morning a shepherd will separate his goats from his sheep
one shepherd takes the sheep into the gentle valleys to graze
while another shepherd takes the goats to a more rugged feeding ground
this process of separation is what jesus used figuratively to describe what the
day of judgment will be like [Music]
jesus said to the souls of people i am the good shepherd the good shepherd
lays down his life for the sheep come follow me
i am the way the truth and the life
enter through the narrow gate for wide is the gate that leads to destruction
but small is the gate that leads to life and only if you find it
no one comes to the father except through me
i tell you the truth a time is coming and has now come
when the dead will hear the voice of the son of god and those who hear
will live first peter 2 25 says of jesus
he himself bore our sins and his body on the tree so that we might die to sins and live
for righteousness by his wounds you have been healed
for you were like sheep going astray but now you have returned
to the shepherd and overseer of your souls
Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.
耶 穌 對 他 說 : 你 要 盡 心 、 盡 性 、 盡 意 愛 主 ─ 你 的 神 。
—— Matthew 22:37 —— 馬 太 福 音 22:37