He Didn't Care About God...but was in Tears After Hearing This


Ray Comfort, a Christian evangelist, talks about Jesus with a young man who doesn't care much about Christianity at first. However, once Ray brings up his sin against God, it strikes his heart and he begins crying. 

Bellflower, California

So Mario, are you spiritual?

- Yes. - What do you mean by that?

- The way I grew up,

my heart was in my neighborhood but my love...

I've always been loyal to love. I've always known that.

But it deceived me. I confused the two.

If you confuse the two it lets you down.

You have to pick yourself up. Yourself up.

- What is it? - You can't let anybody else pick yourself up

- Is that what you mean by spiritual which is self-improvement? - Yes.

- We were just talking about God. - Self-improvement that is what I believe in.

I believe in all religions have a universal meaning. I believe in the power of the universe.

I believe that we are all just human and we are all here to spread love and that's all I got to do.

- So, do you think God created everything?

Or do you think evolution created everything?

- We can never know. Ever. - You may not be able to know. I know.

- You can know within. - You know that Mario? I know.

You don't know.

- Yeah.

- Can't say we can never know. That's limiting your knowledge.

Do you ever think about how amazing life is? I mean, look at the blueness of the sky and the sun.

If you think about the sun how incredible it is, it's 93m miles away

and it just warm enough to ripen your tomatoes. Any closer, we are all dead, further away we are all dead.

- You ever think about how amazing that is? - I do.

- So, how did they get there? - I had to learn it myself. I had to go within...

and nobody can teach it for you. You have to go within.

And can unlock the secrets to the universe if your loyalty lies in the love for yourself.

That's it. - Do you love yourself?

- I do. - Do you love God?

- I love God but in my mind God is the entire universe.

So I love entire universe - That's called pantheism.

There's difference between the painter and painting.

You don't love the painting, you love the painter because he is the genius who created the painting.

And so if you love creation, you are setting your affection on the creation rather than the creator

and that's called inordinate affection. It's wrong order of affections.

If your mom gave you a gift and you love the gift more than you love your mother, there's something wrong.

You should be saying "hey mom thanks for this car, I'm grateful to you, not to the car. grateful to you for the gift."

Make sense?

- I personally know who I am and why I'm here. I found my purpose from within.

I know that to be true, I've never lost that in my entire life.

I've been a same person.

You need love. You can't be a man without love.

You have to separate yourself from love in order to find that for yourself

Nobody else can do it for you. That's the point.

- Do you trust yourself? - I do.

- Let me ask you a question. Spell the word "Shop"

- S-H-O-P.

- What do you do when you come to a green light - G-O.

- Good work. Spell the word silk. - S-I-L-K.

- What a cow's drink? - M-I-L-K

- No, they drink water.

You never trust yourself because we are easily deceived.

The bible says "he who trusts his own heart is a fool."

A lot of people are dead because they trusted their own heart.

They made judgements. "I can beat that truck and overtake this car" and they couldn't. Wrong judgement.

Let's me ask you another question.

You said your concept of God as the.. he is the universe. - Yeah.

- Do you think God is happy with you or angry at you?

- Depending on what you do. God will love you for it either way.

That's what I believe in. - So how are you doing morally?

- As long as you stay true yourself God will love you.

It doesn't matter what you do as long as you know in your heart, you are doing it for the right reason: love

You got nothing to worry about in this world whatsoever. It's called faith.

- Let's see how are you doing. Do you think you are a good person?

- Yes. - How many lies you have told in your life?

- I've lost count. - Okay, what do you call someone who has told lies?

- A liar. - So you've blown that one.

- Have you ever stolen something even a bit small.

- Yeah. - What do you call someone who steals?

- A liar. - A thief.

- If you deny that you lie, steal, cheat and deceit, you become those things

and that's... well, you have to understand as a human

is that you can't lose yourself in yourself because that's the double edged sword of love.

It's out there, you just got to find it for yourself in order to truly know what it is

and I just want to push that to everybody

- Mario, you are saying you've found yourself

What are mankind's origins? Where do we come from?

- women, love. - Yeah but I mean originally.

I'm not mean from your mother, I mean where did... what's the origin of humanity.

- Authenticity and love. - Oh, the origin. where do we come from?

What was in the beginning? - Man and woman.

- Yeah but before man and woman. Who created man and woman?

- A higher power. - Who was that?

- God - Okay.

- Why do we exist as human being? - To love.

- Okay. Where are you going when you die?

- Whatever you did here, it depends. - It's true. Now,

third commandment, you should not take God's name in vain, have you ever used God's name in vain?

- Okay, would you use your mother's name as a cussword? - Ever.

- Never. Because you honor her. But you haven't loved and honored God

You have used his name as a filthy word to express disgust which is called blasphemy

so serious, it's punishable by death in the Old Testament.

I appreciate your honesty.

And your patience with me.

Now, Jesus said if you look at a woman and lust for her, you commit adultery rather in your heart.

Have you ever looked at a woman with lust?

- Yes. I'm a man. - You had sex before marriage?

- Yes, I'm a man. - So, Mario, I'm not judging you You judge yourself.

You told me you are a lying thieving blasphemous fornicating adulterer at heart

and you have to face God on judgement day, if he judges you by the ten commandments I've looked at four,

you gonna be innocent or guilty? - guilty.

- Heaven or hell? - Hell.

- Does that concern you? - Deep down, yeah.

- It horrifies me. We've just met, I love you, I care about you

the thought of you are gonna hell just breaks my heart.

Do you know what death actually is according to the bible?

- Ultimate enlightenment. - Well, no, it's wages.

It says the wages of sin is death. God has given you death as wages for your sin.

He is paying you in death. He is giving you capital punishment.

Like a judge, looks at a heinous criminal who has raped three girls and then murdered them.

He says, "you have earned the death sentence. This is your wages. This is what to do to you."

And sin is so serious to God, Mario, that he has given you capital punishment.

Lying thieving blasphemous fornicating adulterer at heart.

Now, tell me. What did God do for guilty sinners so we wouldn't have to go to hell. Do you remember?

- He came up with the idea that depending on what you do here you are either good or bad and.. that's it.

You just got to stick to that and have to faith in that.

- No, that's not what he did.

Jesus suffered and died on the cross for the sin of the world.

The Ten Commandments are called moral law, you and I broke the law

Jesus paid the fine. That's what happend on that cross.

Mario, if you are on court and someone pays your fine, and judge gonna let you go, did you know that?

He can say, "Mario, there's a stacks of speeding fines here. This is deadly serious.

But someone has paid me. You are free to go." And he can do that which is legal, right and just.

And God loves you so much he became a human being, suffered and died on the cross to take the punishment for the sin of the world.

That means you don't have to end up in hell. God can legally forgive your sins.

Because he is the lover of your soul. And then Jesus rose from the dead and defeated death.

Mario, if you give up the battle

and just say "God, I'm a rebel" and you repent and trust in Christ,

God will forgive every sin you've ever committed and grant you everlasting life as a free gift.

Do you believe what I'm saying? - Yes.

- And it's the gospel truth I wouldn't lie to you.

Are you ready to repent and trust in Christ? - Yes.

- Can I pray with you? - Sure.

- Father, I pray for Mario. Thank we met today. Thank you we met today.

I pray today he'll truly repent and trust in Jesus

and have a sins forgiven in a second and pass from death to life.

In Jesus name we pray. Amen.

- Amen. - Do you have a bible at home?

- No. - Then I'm gonna give you some literature.

Do you know why you are weeping any idea?

- Because I have sinned as a man.

- Okay, that's called contrition

and the bible says godly sorrow, being sorry for your sins, works repentance.

So, I trust today that God has brought conviction of sin to you and you know you have sinned against God

and you'll understand that God can forgive you and grant you everylasting life as a free gift.

I've got some literature for you. Okay?

Mario, thank you for talking to me. I really appreciate it. - I appreciate you interviewing me. I do.



Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.

耶 穌 對 他 說 : 你 要 盡 心 、 盡 性 、 盡 意 愛 主 ─ 你 的 神 。

—— Matthew 22:37 —— 馬 太 福 音 22:37