Jewish Skeptic to BOLD Evangelist | Ray Comfort’s Testimony ‪@LivingWaters‬


Ray Comfort, a Jewish man who once rejected Jesus, shares his powerful testimony of discovering the true Messiah. From skepticism to faith, hear how he found salvation and went on to found Living Waters Ministry, equipping believers to share the gospel worldwide.

#RayComfort #JewishMessiah #LivingWaters #Testimony #Gospel

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I remember one night Way Back in 1970 I

cried out I just had tears streaming

down my face and cried out why it makes

no sense when I cried out that night

with tears streaming down my face I had

no idea I was talking to God absolutely

no didn't come into the equation and yet

six 6 months later I realized God heard

that prayer I remember I read the words

of Jesus if heard it said by them of old

you shall not commit adultery and I

thought wow if there's a heaven I'm

going to make it because I've never

committed adultery and then I read the

words that followed that but I say to

you whoever looks upon a woman to L for

her has committed adultery already

within his heart and it was like an

arrow went hit my chest I thought wow

does God see my thought life that was

the big Revelation because I was like

every other red-blooded guy burning with

unlawful sexual desire filled with lust

as the scriptures say eyes full of

adultery and remember thinking I'm Hing

for hell I'm undone if all this is going

to come out as evidence my guilt I'm in

big trouble and that's the moment I

understood the cross it never made sense

to me I heard people testify and and

Jesus died for me and meant nothing

until I understood my sin that was

exceedingly sinful and that night many

years ago I repented put my faith in

Jesus and the miracle was I was made a

brand new person instantly God opened

the eyes of my understanding and I had

an instant knowledge of everlasting life

and I remember it was 3:00 in the

morning morning when it when it happened

I went outside looked at the stars and

just raised my hands to the sky brand

new creature in Christ with a knowledge

that the death had been destroyed for me

a guilty sinner oh my I can relate yes I

can relate I hadn't read the New

Testament I hadn't even read the Old

Testament to be fair and my hands flew

up in the sky and I said I'm free I

didn't know that was supposed to happen

but I knew that I was changed so Rey we

have something in common you and I are

Jewish men and we live in is I live in

Israel you live here in the United

States and we share the gospel with all

nations but I want to talk about your

Jewish history can you can you get into

that a little bit yes um my mom was

Jewish yeah she married a gentile and

she was immediately ostracized from the

family and so when I was born sometime

after the second world war they didn't

want to put Jewish on my birth

certificate they were concerned for me

and so they put Methodist and then at

the age and I was left without any

instruction about God whatsoever not an

ounce went to church three times in 22

years different friends taught me there

uh took me there and I remember the only

highlight cuz I was incredibly bored was

when real wine came around and it hit

the back of my throat and for a

10-year-old that was something to be

remembered but you know when the

Pharisees came to Jesus and said so show

us a sign and Jesus said no sign of be

given but Jonah the prophet that's the

type of the Gospel Jonah was swallowed

by the great beast and sped out which is

type of the death and resurrection of

Jesus Y and so that's the sign that God

gives it's the gospel the power of the

Gospel you want a miracle we don't need

a miracle we've got creation that's a

miracle it didn't happen by itself right

all of us have the knowledge of God

Romans 1 tells us that invisible things

of him from the creation of the world

are clearly seen being understood by the

things that are made even his eternal

power and godhead therefore there

without excuse so we all know God exists

we don't need a miracle what we need is

a new to a point absolutely where we

suddenly thirst for righteousness right

and as we speak to the Jewish people

where is that new heart mentioned first

in the tanak yes in the Old Testament

and yeah so so in in many ways when we

witness to Jewish people the one of the

biggest arguments is well your your new

testament is theirs and it's new and

they've created a new religion that

you've gone into but we both know that

and I like what you said earlier about

the fact that your thought life is what

condemns you why was the earth flooded

because of the actions of the people or

because their thought life was evil

continuously and how important it is and

how God can see every one of our

thoughts and we would never want in our

wildest moment to put up our thoughts on

a billboard or on a screen for people to

see it would be horribly embarrassing

yeah God requires truth in the inward

parts of Psalm says you know we look at

uh the ultimate Jew that was saved by

the grace of God soul of tasus on a road

on a road to road to damnation yeah

right I like how that was put and uh we

look at that but what it actually is is

just the Glorious tip of the iceberg

what happened on the road to Damascus we

see the rest of the iceberg when we read

Romans what was it that brought Paul to

Christ he said by the law was the

knowledge of sin and what happened with

Paul is he said the Commandment which I

thought was ordained to life brought

death to me right he thought he was

going to live by keeping the law but he

violated it continually and by the law

sin became exceedingly sinful for Paul

and stored up God's Wrath so that's what

brought him to Christ the law was a

school Master to bring us to Christ

right I I love how you brought that up

because um when we talk to people they

think well as long as my Deeds are good

but there is a commandment and because

you like to use the Ten Commandments to

show people where they stand in God's

sight the the tenth commandment is the

one that involves our thought life and

it's not mentioned very much yes because

the Jewish people will say well as long

as Deeds are good it doesn't matter what

goes on in here but the Ten Commandments

convict us of that that it is our

thought life that's really important

because our thoughts lead to our

deeds and they affect the way that we

look at those that we love and our and

how we interact in complex relationships

let's go have a seat you know the

parachute that's filled with holes that

so many trust in is the thought that

their good deeds will outweigh they're

bad that's right and that just can't

work even a court of law right if you

stand in front of a judge and say judge

I raped the woman and then I killed her

but I want to tell you about the good

things I've done yeah the judge is going

to say what are you talking about this

is a court of law I'm not here to judge

you on your good deeds I'm here to judge

you on your crime that's right and it's

exactly the same with God a good deeds

are as filthy rags in the sight of God

as the scriptures say yeah and and and

that's also not a Christian invention

that's also in the book of Isaiah yes

yeah yeah and so it doesn't weigh up the

scales don't get weighed up and man's

caught by a good deeds and it's not

going to happen on the day of judgment

God's going to judge us so what what the

scriptures say they speak of being shut

up under the law and what the law does

is condemns us shuts us up to a point

where there's only one door that we can

enter Jesus said I am the door he that

enters by me shall be saved so the law

certainly is a school M Master to bring

us to Christ and I find the average Jew

that I speak to in in America is nowhere

near Orthodox is the traditional Jews

Jewish holidays and Jewish friends and

that don't even know the scriptures so I

just treat them like I would a normal

person when I witness to and share the

gospel except when I get to the cross I

say tell me what happened at the

Passover the blood of the Lamb was

applied to the door that's right I said

when John the Baptist saw Jesus for the

first time he said Behold the Lamb of

God who takes away the sin of the world

and when you apply his Precious Blood to

the doorpost of your life death will

pass over you that's right and I find

one of the most powerful ways to present

the gospel is to appear the appear

appeal to The Sinner will to live man is

not a beast God's written eternity upon

his heart book of Hebrews tells us that

he's haunted by the fear of death all

his lifetime and so I I find it very

beneficial to say to someone do you read

the Bible I said no so it was the

world's biggest selling book of all time

did you know that in the Old Testament

God promised he would destroy death and

in the New Testament tells us how he did

it and even an atheist will say well I

hadn't heard that right and so that

opens the door to the gospel I say can I

tell you how God destroyed death and the

scriptures make an incredible claim

that's either utterly insane or it's

true Jesus Christ has abolished death

and brought life and immortality to

light through the gospel if that's true

you ow it to your good sense and to your

family to look into it if it's not just

reject it but it's a fantastic claim Ray

what's been the most difficult part of

being a believer in

Jesus in this world what's what's been

the the toughest part for you having a

platform to share the gospel and YouTube

channel has exploded reaches millions of

people but I wanted to reach billions I

want to move from the millions to

billions the Apostle Paul would be green

with righteous Envy if he knew what we

had even go back 50 years time to mass

Crusades took two years to gather all

the churches together it was like

Gathering cats together in one room

right cost millions of dollars that

preached the gospel most were churched

many were Christians but here because of

modern technology we can reach Millions

with a press of a button that's right

and so that's why we come to hunting the

beach every satday with a camera crew

and share the gospel with strangers and

put it online so people can hear the

gospel not Through The Eyes of a um a

tele evangelist who's pointing the

finger right but they're like a fly on

the wall listening to people talk about

their fear of death and how death has

been destroyed by what Christ did on the

cross wow tell me of give me an example

of one of the most difficult

conversations you've had with a Jewish

person about Jesus as Messiah I haven't

had any real difficult ones I've had

there's been difficult subjects come up

not particularly with Jewish people I

find Jewish people are pretty open yeah

um that's what we find in Israel as well

to the gospel I'll tell you why I I co

did a magnificent favor for the church

because it took a whole generation and

caused them to face their mortality

right you know young people think

subconsciously that death is for the

elderly but every year 54 million people

die 54 million and what what Co did is

it brought them face to face with their

own mortality yeah so when I say to

people are you afraid of dying it widens

their eyes they say yeah a little bit

say a little bit you kidding you know

God's placed eternity upon his heart I

know he's got a fear of death he's got a

will to live something cries out oh I

don't want to die but I can read his

eyes and this is what he's saying how

did this guy know and I know because

Hebrews tells me he is haunted by the

fear of death all his lifetime and so

that's a great inroad as I said to share

the go gospel I witness to a lot of

Catholics and I love witnessing to

Catholics because they're open to the

things of God but they don't understand

the cross they know Christ died for our

sins and I say okay Jesus died for our

sins how can that help you 2,000 years

later you're under God's Wrath you know

you're a sinner we've been through the

Commandments how can I help you and

they've got no idea yeah and once they

hear the gospel they embrace it and yet

there's always comment saying you're

anti- Catholic and I'm not well but it's

the same thing as cultural Christians as

well you know we have we have Jews in

Israel that are cult Al Jews they don't

know anything about the Tanakh and the

scriptures and they don't even have a

relationship with God but they're Jewish

and they'll say they're Jewish and I've

met many Christians and I've remember

Ray when I came to Faith and my hands

went up and I said I'm free I'm free I

couldn't wait to tell everybody and I

would meet Christians on the streets or

at at my kids uh uh school and I say

you're Christian too and they'd be like

yeah I like I was just born again and

they were like yeah what does that mean

and I and that's when I understood that

the semantics that we use don't NE neily

mean the same things to different people

that's true well the reason I mentioned

Catholicism is when I looked went

through Jerusalem I saw all these Idols

yeah everywhere you know crucifixes and

I and I understood the average Jew that

understands the Commandments looks at

Catholicism and thinks Catholicism and

thinks Christianity right I have nothing

to do with that and so it's it's a big

hurdle to jump over to explain there is

a difference between Catholicism which

is Catholic and biblical Christianity

which says is eternal life is a free

gift of God nothing to do with what you

eat or what you believe or who you

confess to so I would like to say that

your your argument is more against

man-made religion and its Traditions yes

because I've met a lot of Catholics that

understand the gospel but they love the

Traditions but they understand the

difference yes so there are many Jews

like like myself who are are believers

in Jesus but we understand that the

traditions of our forefathers don't lead

us to God yes and they don't Rectify our

relation ship they don't reconcile us to

God so the way I I handle that whole

thing with a Jew yeah is I don't really

go there I just zero in on his

conscience see most Christians make a

big mistake in staying with the

intellect okay caral mind in Romans 8:7

is enity against God is Not subject to

the law of God neither inde can be and

evidence that man is in a state of

hostility towards God is blasphemy yeah

think about it from politicians to the

man on the street they use the name of

Jesus as a c word right now think in

history is there any other name that men

have used as a CW Hitler

molini Mother Teresa whatever no no one

except Jesus Christ why or Jesus told us

in John 7:7 the world hates me because I

testify of its Deeds they're evil and so

men hate God for the same reason

criminals hate the police and so when

you realize that that that caral mind is

in that state of hostility you've got to

move away from it to the conscience as

Jesus did Rich Young Ruler ran up to

Jesus good Master what shall I do to inh

eternal life Jesus said why do you call

me good right most men have got a wrong

wrong understanding of what good is good

is moral perfection and thought word and

deed so then Jesus said only God is good

and they said you know the Commandments

and then Jesus did something very

unusual he gave five Commandments but he

added something in there that's not a

commandment he said in the middle of

those Commandments extort not right in

the middle of them and I and I may be

wrong but it would seem to me that the

Rich Young Ruler was not a good young

man that had kept the Commandments as he

made out but he was an extortionist and

that's how he gained his wealth and

that's why he wouldn't let it go and all

of us have got some sort of idol

something we love before we came to

Christ right remember you think of uh

Luke 15 can you think of Luke 15 it's

where Jesus talked about the importance

of reaching the lost man lost a sheep

left the 99 brought it back and joy and

told his friends lady lost a coin and

what she did was three things she lit a

candle she swept the floor and she was

diligently SE seeking for it she was

diligent and that's what the church

needs to do we need to light a candle

because most of the church is in the

dark when it comes to what we should be

doing as the church we've moved away

from the book of Acts and we're into

everything else but reaching the lost

the percentage is write down about 5%

share their faith regularly with others

wow then she swept the floor and that's

what we must do sweep sin of our life

out of our Lives present your body as a

Living Sacrifice holy and acceptable to

God and then we need to sweep out

anything that's going to hinder us from

doing the will of God I remember I did

that when I was saved I was into suring

in a big way yeah I had to sweep it

aside as much as I loved it wasn't

important in the light of Eternity and

I'm so pleased that I was able to do

that and then she searched diligently

until she found that coin and we must be

diligent in sharing the gospel and then

it led up to the prodical son was is the

ultimate the Sheep money and then a

human being how much worth is that and

how much should we seek and save that

which is lost ah Ray this has been

beautiful um how has this led to the

ministry that you do

today well the moment I became a

Christian I was like you I was horrified

at the reality of hell yeah I thought

how could people be going to hell death

is punishment for sin the wages of sin

is death you know if you love sin you're

loving the bad bed fellow because it

always comes hand in hand with death the

soul that sins Old Testament shall die

and so I was extremely concerned and I

did everything I could to reach the last

I bought purchased a great big bus 34

seater bus wrote scripture around it

professional sign writing put a

billboard in front of my home got a

printing press in my home printed gospel

tracks gave out tracks put a Signum John

3: 1 to 16 and 3-in high lettering on

the front window of my business got a

soap box began preaching in the local

Square did that for 12 years so if

anybody could have been considered

religious considered a religious nut in

those days it was me but nowadays I'm


worse I love it I love it uh so Ray

Comfort your your ministry is called

Living Waters Living Waters yeah we we

actually thought about this this morning

but we didn't make it happen we thought

we were going to rent a couple bikes and

put a little stuff doggy on the front

and we could ride here together um

because I love how you use that people

gravitate to animals and things and and

and uh your your ministry has been uh

just so beautiful and I'm so grateful

that it is and like you we'd rather

reach billions instead of instead of

millions Ray if if there's a Jewish

person watching right now and they're

watching this and they're saying oh

those Christian guys they've left us

they've abandoned our people what would

you say to that

person want me to go straight to the

camera yeah yeah let's go to this

one what we're saying is nothing that

isn't found in the Old Testament Isaiah

53 Psalm 22 scripture is packed with

God's promise to destroy death and

you've got a problem this thing called

Death is going to take you so I want you

to listen just for a moment as I go

through the law of Moses to some of the

Commandments and appeal to your

conscience to show you you need God's

mercy H how many lies have you told in

your life be honest it's probably quite

a lot have you ever stolen something

even if it's small you say just a little

thing look if you open my wallet and

took out $1 you're as much a thief as if

you took out $10 God is Not impressed

with the value of that which you steal

have you ever used God's name in vain

you say oh yeah I know I shouldn't do it

but I just do it that's using God's holy

name as a cuss word punishable by death

in the Old Testament and then there you

shall not commit adultery Jesus said if

you look at a woman and Lust For Her you

commit adultery with her in your heart

now add that up and ask yourself am I

really a lying thieving Blasphemous

adulterate heart in the eyes of God if

he brings out all my secret sins on

Judgment Day I'm going to be condemned

you know that will happen if God is just

and holy as the scriptures say you'll be

condemned when God gave his law on Mount

sin the Bible says Moses was exceedingly

fearful and he shook and the children of

Israel said don't let God speak least we

die and that was when God gave his law

in peace how much more will it be

fearful when he comes on the day of

judgment to punish those who have

deliberately transgressed his law but

the Bible says the same God who is just

and holy is rich in Mercy and he

provided a savior God provided a lamb to

suffer and die on a cross for the sin of

the world and when he was on the cross

he was taking the Wrath of the Lord of

God upon himself so that you and I could

be forgiven when we apply the lamb to

the doorposts of Our Lives death will

pass over us we've got God's promise on

there and then Jesus rose from the dead

and defeated death and if you will

simply repent of your sins confess and

forsake them as scriptures say and put

your trust trust in Jesus like you trust

a parachute God promises you'll pass

from Death to life you have his word on

it and he cannot lie so don't wait till

tomorrow today if you hear his voice

don't Harden your heart get on your

knees confess and forsake your sins and

pass from Death to life there's nothing

more important than we you'll spend

eternity Ray as we like to say in Hebrew

hallelujah hallelujah oh that's

wonderful amazing amazing where can

people find you Ray I'm on Hunting the

Beach pier sitting next to you come on

everyone let's go living go come hear

the gospel have' got a

lot of things that can help you share

your faith a lot of free stuff and

living wat is YouTube you can watch

atheists backslide Jewish people get

witnessed to Muslims witness to and

it'll build up your faith in God just to

watch this happen Living Waters YouTube

and amazing if you like



Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.

耶 穌 對 他 說 : 你 要 盡 心 、 盡 性 、 盡 意 愛 主 ─ 你 的 神 。

—— Matthew 22:37 —— 馬 太 福 音 22:37