Watch the Holy Spirit Work in Her Heart (Very Moving)


In this touching evangelism encounter, Ray Comfort shares the gospel with a young woman who is deeply moved by the reality of her sin against a holy God. Watch as the Holy Spirit does a work in her heart through God's Word being proclaimed. Please pray that this young woman would surrender her life to Jesus.

are you afraid of death somewhat it's a

very interesting topic i think

the the fact that we can't know what

happens after death is what makes it

scary for a lot of people why do you

think you can't know

i mean death is the final barrier that

you can't come back from when you pass

through it have you ever put together an

appliance without reading the

instruction book and made a mess of it

oh yeah definitely the the instruction

book is essential for

anything the maker knows best gives the

instructions how to make the appliance

work the bible is god's instruction book

that makes sense the old testament god

promised to destroy death

the new testament tells us how he did it

did you know that i don't know

have you ever studied the bible no let

me tell you what the bible says the

reason you die is because god has given

you the death sentence

it says the wages of sinner's death in

other words sin is so serious to god is

paying you and death for your sins it's

what we've earned

do you think you're sinful enough for

god to be justified to put you to death

i would hope not and this is the mistake

most people make they think god is just

like us that he's got our moral standard

but the bible says he's morally perfect

so you think you're a good person i

don't hope so i i do my best to be a

good person so how many lies have you

told in your life i don't think that the

number most people would be able to

quantify have you ever stolen something

even if it's small in your whole life

irrespective of its value

not on purpose have you ever used god's

name in vain yeah

love your mom

would you use her name as a cuss word


you'd never do that because that would

dishonor her

i would disrespect her but

you haven't honored the god that gave

you a mother or gave you life you've

used his name in the place of the s word

which is called blasphemy very serious

in god's eyes so serious is punishable

by death so i'm giving you the standard

that god's going to judge will on

judgment day

jesus said if you look with lust you

know what lust is

if you look with lust you commit

adultery in your heart have you ever

looked with lust i don't believe i have

have you ever hated somebody i would

have to say yes the bible says

he who hates his brother is a murderer

that's how high god's standards are let

me give you a quick summation

red this isn't judging you this is for

you to judge yourself you told me you're

a liar a blasphemer and a murderer at


that's how god sees you so if he judges

you by the ten commandments we've looked

at five of them on judgment day you're

going to be innocent or guilty oh god

would consider me guilty for that

heaven or hell

sounds like hell to me

does that concern you i know i should

say yes but if the other god's standard

then so be it it may not concern you but

red it horrifies me i've just met you

but i care about you i even love you i

don't even know you but i want you i

want to see you in heaven the thought of

you ending up in hell takes my breath

away it's so terrible death is evidence

that god is serious about sin

do you know what god did for guilty

sinners so he wouldn't have to go to

hell i don't believe i know

you probably do but you don't understand

it have you heard of jesus dying on the


i have okay

it's as simple as this you and i broke

god's law the ten commandments

jesus paid the fine just before he

dismissed his spirit he said it is

finished that's a strange thing to say

when you're dying but he was saying the

debt has been paid

we broke god's law jesus paid the fine

read if you're in court and you've got

speeding fines the judge will let you go

if someone else pays them

they'll say red there's a lot of

speeding fines here but someone's paid


you're out of here you can leave even

though you're guilty you walk because

someone paid your fine and even though

you and i are guilty before god of

serious crimes

he can let us walk he can forgive us


because jesus paid the fine he even the

scales through his death and


and all you have to do to find

everlasting life

is repent of your sins that means to be

sorry for your sins and to turn from

them don't play the hypocrite be genuine

in your faith

and then trust in jesus like you trust a

parachute you're like someone on the

edge of a plane ten thousand feet up

they know they have to jump they don't

have a parachute it's really scary but

this is their plan they're going to flap

their arms and try and save themselves

well you and i would say to that person

don't do that it's not going to work

just trust the parachute

so don't try and save yourself on

judgment day by thinking you're a good

person because you're not you're like

the rest of us you're a sinner simply

transfer your trust from yourself to the

savior and the minute you do that you've

got god's promise he'll forgive every

sin you've ever committed all those

secret sins that nobody knew about that

god saw

he'll wash them away in an instant not

because you're good but because god is

good and kind and rich in mercy

is this making sense it is so red if you

would have died a day and god gave you

justice you'd be justly damned

there are two things you must do to be

saved you must repent and trust alone in


when are you going to do that i can't

say i have a definite answer but i'm

sure it is something i would want to do


well think of it like this you're on a

plane ten thousand feet up

if you jump you're going to hit the

ground at 120 miles an hour you have to


i say you're going to put the parachute


you say oh it's something i'm going to

consider one day

the best thing i can do for you would be

to hang you up the plane by your ankles

for five seconds pull you in and you'll

say oh give me that parachute this is


and what i've tried to do is hang you

out eternity by your ankles just for a

few minutes so you get fear in your

heart because that fear is your friend

not your enemy if it makes you put on a

parachute it's doing you a favor

and if it makes you come to christ and

say god forgive me i'm a sinner

it's doing you a great favor bible says

through the fear of the lord men depart

from evil and we'll never let go of our

sins as long as we think we're good

people or we procrastinate that is we

put things off

so i want you to think about it with

this sense of sobriety what if you died

today what if you died tonight 150 000

people die every 24 hours

so when do you think you'll get right

with god don't feel pressured by me but

be pressured by common sense

okay when do you think you're going to

get right with the lord

i know the correct answer is right now


faith is a big thing to a lot of people

and i would need to come to that answer

on my own eventually

well let me just tell you something

about faith

i'll teach you a little lesson about

faith that may really help you okay

do you live in this area i do

what are you studying at the school i'm

currently majoring in english okay i

don't believe any of that i don't

believe you're from this area or that

you're majoring in english

if i don't have faith in your integrity

you're speaking the truth it's an insult

to you as a human being and so don't

insult god with a lack of faith and just

say i trust the lord he gave me life he

gave me my

my brain he gave me my eyes he gave me

my ability to breathe the blueness of

the sky the love of family all these

things are a gift from god

and so have faith in them trust them

with all your heart you know we trust

pilots we trust taxi drivers we trust

doctors we trust surgeons and all those

people can let us down but god will

never let you down

because he has no sin it's impossible

for god to lie the bible says

and that's wonderful news for you and i

who can believe everything he says in

this word so you're going to think about

what we talked about oh well

correct me if i'm wrong

but read i noticed a number of times you

teared up you had tears in your eyes

why is that


i was raised in a christian family so

you know

part of what you said is very familiar

something's happening in your heart

isn't it

it seems simple


all i can say is the bible says genuine

sorrow for sin

is pleasing to god

the bible says the sacrifices of god are

a broken spirit and a contrite heart do

you know what contrition is

no it means to be sorry for your sins

that's what a judge looks for in a

criminal if the criminal's sorry and he

sees a tear in his eye the judge will

give him mercy so get before the lord

and say god forgive me i'm a sinner

and he won't despise that hill

he'll greet you with open arms and

forgive you and give you a new heart

with new desires

can i pray for you

of course

father i pray for read that this day

shall come before you with a good and

honest heart and understand not only

your justice and your anger against sin

but your love and mercy you extended in

the cross so

this day please speak to a heart

her may she be born again

and may she love and serve you the god

who gave her life for the rest of her

days in jesus name we pray amen

isn't that cool

your family are christians is that right

yeah and i've been praying for you and

that's why you've listened today they

love you and so do we and so does god

okay god bless you you too thank you

make sure you check out the living

waters podcast and this it's everything

i've ever learned in 50 years of

apologetics and evangelism get your copy

of the evidence study bible and check

out the starter kit while you're there




Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.

耶 穌 對 他 說 : 你 要 盡 心 、 盡 性 、 盡 意 愛 主 ─ 你 的 神 。

—— Matthew 22:37 —— 馬 太 福 音 22:37