Dr. Wise earned his BA in geology from the University of Chicago, and his MA and PhD degrees in paleontology from Harvard University. He founded and directed the Center for Origins Research at Bryan College and taught biology there for 17 years. He then led the Center for Theology and Science at the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary for 3 years, before founding and directing the Center for Creation Research and teaching biology at Truett McConnell University for the last 7 years. His fieldwork has included research in early Flood rocks in the Death Valley region, late Flood rocks in Wyoming, and post-Flood caves in Tennessee.
The design of the presentations on this particular day,
which focused really on the Precambrian, the pre-Flood, the Flood/post-Flood boundary,
or Flood/pre-Flood boundary was really my intent so that we have a day of focus on this,
to focus on things we don’t know much about. I don't know that that issue has come across.
Each one of us, I think, has tried to make it sound like we understand what in the world we’re talking about.
When it comes to reconstructing earth history,
I'd like to create what I'm about to describe to help people understand it.
Let’s say you have a picture that you are going to make into a jigsaw puzzle.
So you create the picture, you then chop it up into a jigsaw puzzle
with all the pieces, you know in that fashion. Now, let us take the jigsaw puzzle pieces and mix them up,
and then make another jigsaw from that.
Okay? So you rearrange all the pieces, and then you glue them all together or whatever
in that new arrangement. Now, let's make a new jigsaw puzzle of that mess.
And then take those pieces, jiggle them up, fuse them together, and then make a third jigsaw puzzle out of that.
Now put the pieces back together again. You might find it fairly easy to put
the first order jigsaw puzzle piece together and realize that you now have pieces of an earlier puzzle
that you now have to cut up and somehow rearrange and put together. When you, alas, have discovered that new picture,
you realize it's a picture of further puzzle pieces that have been rearranged from previous time.
And you then have to cut that up, rearrange it, and put it back together again. The farther you reach back in time in geology,
the more of those successive jigsaw puzzle pieces we have.
We look at the recent geology. Hey, that's almost a no brainer. It’s easy to put the puzzle pieces together.
But the farther we go back in time, the more the pieces have been rearranged.
The old rocks of the Earth, in fact, have been rearranged a number of times.
To make it worse, in creationism we’ve got a catastrophe or two that really muddles the pieces up!
So the farther you go back in time in creationist history, it's a really substantial challenge.
You can do the post-Flood Arphaxadian period fairly well in a reconstruction,
but as soon as you move into the Flood, you've got a major rearrangement. The farther back in the Flood you go,
the worse it gets. It's even worse if you want to figure out what's going on
in the pre-Flood world because it's got all the rearrangements of the entire Flood, and the post-flood world
that have been superimposed upon the data. That that sort of thing, in one sense,
would probably make most people go, “I don't want to do anything! I will deal with the post-Flood. ” You know, it's easier to deal with.
For some of us, like myself, I like the greater challenge. The more successive reiterations and scramblings of the data,
the better it is. But it is challenging.
There is much, much, much about the pre-Flood world we do not understand.
And there's much about those pre-Flood rocks that we are only just beginning to understand.
There's lots of them. There's tens of thousands of feet of these rocks in some places and there's been very little work done on them,
partly because there's so few of us to do the work. But also because of the challenge
of the interpretation. And a further challenge I suppose you'd have to throw
in there as some of the things that Andrew was talking about. We have to consider
what God might have created in the beginning. So perhaps He created an earth
with a jigsaw puzzle already in place,
and we might be reconstructing a history that never happened in those rocks.
That's a challenge. Where's the line? Where does creation actually begin?
What I wanted to do is consider at least one example
of reconstructing some of earth history (specifically a time before the Flood)
based upon some of this scrambled evidence that we have.
It's specifically something that, ultimately, I would interpret as a hydrothermal biome.
I first want to look at the data as it's often understood in the conventional wisdom.
There is in fact a superphylum, or above the level of phylum, stratamorphic series
in the fossil record. Above the phylum would be kingdom.
This is a kingdom level sequence of fossils that evolution maintains can be explained by evolution
and might be a challenge to other worldviews. And it's really most easily seen in the fact
that the Precambrian has no macrofossils. In other words, no fossils you can see with the naked eye.
The only fossils we have are microfossils. As a matter of fact,
what we now understand to be valid fossils from the Precambrian weren’t understood until 1954.
Before that, there were claims of fossils from the Precambrian, but they have been reinterpreted as non-fossil material.
It's only with the advent of the application of the microscope to the Precambrian rocks
that we discovered bacterial fossils that we actually could see in the Precambrian.
Also, a closer examination of these rocks in the very few places on the North American continent
where they exist just the Great Unconformity. That Great Unconformity is found on most continents. It's very difficult
to find a place where the unconformity doesn't exist. Steve made reference to one place in the Mojave,
where we have a continuous sequence through the Great Unconformity.
You could run the Great Unconformity into a sequence of sediments. So that's an erosional surface,
and it covers most of the places on the planet. But there's a few places, about 12 places,
on the planet where the rocks that eroded away in most places are actually preserved.
That's not very many places. They've only recently, within the last 30 years,
been identified and recognized as such. In a sense,
they’ve been able to sort of stick some things in between the Cambrian
and what used to be considered the Precambrian into the uppermost Proterozoic.
Then in fact, more recently, they've even inserted another system beneath the Cambrian
called the Vendian based upon fossils macrofossils that have been found below the traditional Cambrian,
in those few places where we actually have good preservation. And so in those places, such as in the Mojave,
we have a sequence of fossils that, in the Archean, we have exclusively bacteria and something called stromatolites,
which you’ve already been introduced to and we'll come back to in a moment here.
But these are all bacterial or bacteria-related. We assume that the stromatolites
are basically built by bacteria, even though it's rare to actually find fossils
of the bacteria in the stromatolites, based upon similarity with stromatolites in the present.
Miniscule stromatolites, diminutive stromatolites, in the present are compared
to the monsters in the fossil record. The modern stromatolites are formed by bacteria,
so we presume that these are bacterial. We've got literally thousands of feet of sediment
and places where all we've got are bacteria. Then, as you move up into younger sediments,
you get to a point where in addition to the bacteria (bacteria or found throughout the biostratigraphic column) you will begin
to find some algae. Single-celled algae. Unicellular algae.
But algae nonetheless. And that's a significant difference from bacteria. It’s a very much larger organism.
It's a eukaryotic organism. Its cells are about 10 times the set minimum, 10 times the size, of a typical bacterium.
They also include cell components, organelles such as nuclei.
A little bit further up, usually not very far very much further, in the pile, you begin to see protists.
The algae, photosynthetic microorganisms, more specifically the unicellular photosynthetic microorganisms.
Then we get unicellular, non-photosynthetic organisms that we would know
of as protists. For example, in most places around the world where these things first show up,
they show up as VSOs.
That's an acronym for Vase-Shaped Objects,
or Vas-Shaped Objects. Really funny little things
that look like little vases that you put flowers in. So these are VSOs.
They are understood to be protists, or the tests of protists. In other words, the shells of protists.
The algae showed up earlier as what are called acritarchs, sort of analogous to the spores of the fungi.
They are resistant structures that are formed when the environmental conditions are difficult,
and they form these protective capsules. Often extremely ornate. They’re really fascinating
structures We believe with a high degree of probability
that these are in fact algae. Although they don't exist in the present. They’re really restricted
to the early part of the fossil record. Really interesting things. So we begin getting acritarchs in,
and they become very abundant. We begin getting protists in the form of the VSOs.
And then there's a point at which, in almost all 12 of the localities,
we get a group of organisms known as the Ediacaran fauna, named after the type locality in Australia, Ediacara,
where these were first discovered. This is a world of very strange animals.
They’re macro fossils. In fact, they're very large macrofossils.
Typically, you know, they’re between one and two feet in size.
Very small organisms. They are almost always only preserved in sandstone.
Sandstone isn't good at preserving things in micro-details. The very large size is probably partly a consequence
of what they're preserved in. Very characteristic biota. They’re flat.
All of them are flat organisms. They're described as mattress organisms,
or because they look very much like the blown up
flotation devices you might lay on in the water with tubes
that are woven together. Some of them look like worms.
That's thought to look like a worm. Doesn't look much like a worm, but they are large, flat-bodied organisms.
Soft-bodied. No hard parts. Above them, invariably following them (although
you sometimes have Ediacaran fauna that continue), you have another group of organisms known as the Tommotian fauna,
named after the Tommote area of Russia. These are really small.
They are almost all cone-shaped, calcium carbonate shells.
You don't know what they are. They could be little spicules on the skin
of a soft-bodied animal. They could be a shell in which an organism actually lives.
In other words, there's an organism smaller than that. The little guys are little. The largest one, I think,
is about an inch long or something like that. They're really, really small.
They could be structures on the outside of an organism, or an organism lives within them, or maybe there's another possibility.
In the fossil record, we have these kinds of structures inside organisms.
So who knows? We really don't know. But you'll have a layer
of the Tommotian fauna before you move, continuing on upward,
to your lowest layer of trilobites, known as the Atdabanian trilobites,
which is associated with the Atdabanian fauna. And there's, again, an invariable sequence.
There's only 12 sites, as I said, where you have these sediments preserved.
But in most of those sites, we have all of these in the same order.
It's just the fact that you have an order, even if we don't know what in the world they are, that is an interesting issue.
Why is it that they have an order? Of course, evolution would say you just evolved one organism and to another.
They might challenge us and say, “ Well, if you can preserve bacteria,
surely you can preserve other organisms. ” I mean, especially
if you got spores flying through the air, which are very resistant and easily-preserved.
Pollen flying through the air is easily preserved, even if you're a long ways from everything else.
Why don't you have anything else but bacteria preserved in tens of thousands
of feet of sediment. It looks as if, and it's the easiest explanation,
the only thing that existed on the planet at the time these things were formed is in fact bacteria.
So it looks like there's a long period of time in earth history where all that existed was bacteria.
Then there was a significant period of time, because we're still talking about thousands of feet of sediment in some cases,
where you have bacteria plus algae, as if some of the bacteria evolved into algae,
and that's all that existed on the planet for a very long time. These acritarchs are somewhat resistant,
and that's why we probably find them. But again, if there's real spores and real pollen,
surely you'd have those things around. So the evolutionary explanation is that only bacteria existed here.
Bacteria evolved into algae here. We evolved our protists probably from other bacteria here,
and so on. It's the easiest, the most elegant explanation for these creatures.
And so that brings us to a location that Steve has already alluded
to in the East Mojave Desert at the Kingston Range. We have a nice place
where the sediments are bent up at about 45 degrees.
You can walk through lots of sediment in a relatively short distance;
although it is the desert, that sort of thing. If you got things stacked up like this and
if you start down here, the sediments at this end are only containing bacterial fossils.
You get the VSMs at this point in the stack.
You get the Ediacaran fauna over here, and there's an awful lot of sediment between these things, okay?
We're talking thousands of feet of sediment. Very soon thereafter, immediately above the Ediacaran,
you've got Tommotian Shelly fauna known. And then very soon after that, we got the Atdabanian trilobites.
It's a very dramatic appearance of trilobites here. So you can literally walk through a continuous sequence
of these sediments and fossils. And it's not just true here, as I said.
It's true in the other locations where this code thing is preserved. It's a total of 15,000 feet of sediment
that you can walk through like this. We’re walking through thousands of feet,
7000 feet, all bacteria. That's all you have. Okay? And I don't want to disparage bacteria,
because I love them. They’re wonderfully diverse. But it's that, “Why isn’t there anything else?
” question that you have. And then there's another pretty close to 7,000 feet
where you got bacteria plus the one-celled eukaryotic organisms
before you finally get what some people think of the more interesting things.
As Steve has already alluded to, it's when you move back off of that area to the west of the Grand Canyon,
move towards the Grand Canyon, you get to where there's a Great Unconformity
that is there and you’re missing all of those sediments.
There's one place, it’s Nankoweap Butte, where we get up close to those,
but we're still missing a bunch of sediments even there. But in the Grand Canyon, you got the Chuar Group here,
in which bacteria are the only fossils in the lower part of.
And just below, as you work your way up to the Chuar, you eventually get to the 60-mile Formation there and Nankoweap Butte.
And just below Nankoweap Butte’s summit, just below the 60-Mile Formation,
you get the VSMs. So even in the Grand Canyon even though you don't have a All of it. So even in the Grand Canyon,
even though you don't have all of it, the first trilobites we get are actually significantly up into the Cambrian.
They're not Atdabanian trilobites, and we're missing the Tommotian, and we're missing the Ediacaran.
But we are getting the first two of those: the bacteria, and then the protists and algae.
In the Chuar Group we also have the acritarchs and that sort of thing as well.
And here we got about 25 thousand feet up between the lowest sediments with bacteria
and up to the place where we're getting close to the boundary.
So we have a stratomorphic series. Again, even though we don't necessarily understand these things,
it is nonetheless some sort of a sequence of fossils which is in different parts of the world and must be,
or should be, explained.
The traditional interpretation is that it’s an evolutionary sequence involving vast expanses of time.
So what do we do about this? Well, we looked at the Grand Canyon.
You've already seen some pictures from this.
Andrew and I, Steve and I, looked at it at one point. Andrew and I looked at it a little more closely.
We looked at this stromatolite forest where we could actually see these bulbous bumps here.
When you look at them in three dimensions, in places where the sediment has eroded away to reveal them,
there are these mushroom-shaped structures. When cut in cross section, you can sort of see it here,
it has concentric layers. It builds up in a pillar that gets larger and larger
as it gets up towards the surface. Again, it’s kind of mushroom-shaped. This is a hammer for scale.
That's probably... it might be me for scale. Looks like he has shorts on it.
Looks like it’s Andrew for scale. I didn't think my camera worked. But anyway, it's the two of us here playing around
on these things. They're close enough together that you can walk from one another.
You can jump from one to another. And yet their shape is such that if they were, let's say,
ripped out of here and tossed somewhere, they would probably be upside down.
This is top-heavy. So these things are all right side up in a very top-heavy condition.
This would suggest that these are actually in place. They haven't been ripped up from someplace
and deposited somewhere else in the Flood. It strongly suggested to us that these guys,
as Steve suggested, are actually pre-Flood. You're looking at a pre-Flood surface.
These little things grew up in a forest of them. It's not seen in this picture,
I don't know if I don't have a picture that shows it, but you can follow this thing. We followed this thing for more than a kilometer,
literally walking. You could walk from one end to another for a kilometer distance. It's amazing.
There's thousands of these things. A beautiful locality.
Stromatolites like these are very similar to stromatolites we have in the present,
in Shark Bay Australia, for example. That’s the most famous locality for them. Probably the area
that they're just about the biggest. They can get up to two to three feet in height in the present world.
That's about the biggest we've ever seen them. They’re in shallow water along the ocean.
They are often in an intertidal zone,
or associated with an intertidal zone, in the present world. As the tide goes out,
the bacteria will shrink into the sand grains
to protect themselves from ultraviolet light from the sun. Then when the water comes back in, they grow in
between the sand grains and create a biofilm on the outside of this structure.
Then when the tides go out again, there's usually some sand grains or whatever
that get a fix to that. And so there are these alternating layers
of organic and inorganic material that grow over time.
In the present world, it's a very slow process. And again, the biggest ones are only about three feet or so.
These guys are significantly bigger, but they have the same structure: alternating layers of organic and inorganic material.
You don't find fossils in them. No one that I know yet has actually observed
the fossil bacteria in place in these things. But we presume that's what made them,
as in the present. So we're talking about a forest of stromatolites built by bacteria.
And when you see this in place, and this is almost what it would have looked like then, but underwater, it's as if it's a reef structure.
There’s enough of these things that they would baffle waves and function as a reef.
And in other locations, such as in the Mojave and other layers in the Mojave,
they can be a kilometer, two kilometers, in size. Not these little guys like this, but very,
very large indeed. There's places on the Russian platform where they are 10 to 20 kilometers in size.
Huge things. Now, here's one. This is kind of a gully here that we're walking along
and we got a chance to see one in profile just before it erodes out. But here's another one that eroded out and fell over,
down the gully, and it falls upside down. That's what you'd expect it to do. It seems to argue
that these things are actually in place, and it's only when they're eroded out
that they turn over to their proper hydrodynamic position.
So it suggests to us that something happened in the past before the Flood,
because if these things are in place the Flood would have, you'd think, ripped them up, moved them around,
and they'd be upside down. So it suggests that this is actually a surface that is below the boundary that
Steve was talking about. Using the criteria that he defined, those five criteria,
we can clearly place the Flood/pre-Flood boundary above this layer.
So it could very well be that this is a preservation of a pre-Flood world.
This would suggest that there were stromatolitic reefs in this place.
If they were formed by bacteria in the similar way
as modern bacteria produced stromatolites, that would infer that there's an awful lot of time involved.
We need to add to these things to the picture.
Some of the pieces that have to be put together here are what are known as the upper Proterozoic diamictites.
A diamictite (“di” means two) is a mixture. It's a mixture of two different sized rock fragments, basically.
This would be like boulders inside a sandstone.
And it could be rounded boulders or angular boulders inside a very different-sized matrix.
These are examples of this. This is the Kingston Peak formation,
which you've already heard reference to. Here are some pictures of some of the smaller clasts in the Kingston Peak.
It's mostly sand, but it's got these, in this case, cobbles, round cobbles and angular cobbles.
The angular cobbles would be called a breccia. The rounded cobbles would be called a conglomerate.
Because there's two different-sized particles, two dramatically different-sized particles,
mixed together, sand and cobbles, it's called a diamictite. Normally, certainly in the case of water deposition,
water sorts things by size very efficiently. As soon as water gets involved
you pretty much put all the boulders together, you put all the sand together, you put all the shale together.
Diamictite is a strange rock. It would suggest that water wasn't involved in the placement of it.
Also, wind wasn't involved. Wind also would select things according to size.
So it suggests a very different mechanism for emplacement of these things.
Among these boulders are some boulders with flat surfaces
and scrape marks on them. Striations on them.
Mixed also in here with these small things would be huge boulders. So you've got a diamictite
with sand, lots of smaller cobbles and boulders,
and then an occasional monster boulder in there.
Some of the boulders would be striated,
they’re smooth off on one side and have scratch marks. So what in the world is going on here?
We see this in Pleistocene deposits. We see this downstream of glaciers.
When glaciers pick up rocks, usually rocks fall onto glaciers from above, but sometimes they scrape up rocks from below.
They get affixed into the glacier. If they're fixed into the base of the glacier, the glacier drags the rock along its bottom surface,
smooths off that one side, and creates striations. Also, then it carries
those things all the way down to the end of the glacier. There's a point at which the melting of the glacier equals the movement of the glacier,
and at that point the glacier dumps all of its material into a pile. Well, it's a pile of not just these boulders,
but also sand and stuff. It's grinding some of these boulders into a fine mesh.
So then it ends up in a pile at the end of the glacier called a moraine. It’s a pile of small sand-sized particles mixed
with boulders and cobbles, including striated, flattened boulders.
And there's the occasional monster boulder that rolled on top of the glacier
and then gets dumped into the end of the mixture. These are all characteristics of things moved by ice.
Again, it's not characteristic of things moved by water or wind. So typically a diamictite
is interpreted as due to glacial activity.
So we have evidence of stromatolitic reefs, which would suggest long periods of time,
we've got diamictite, which is interpreted as a glacial deposit and is slowly deposited.
So we have an awful long period of time indicated here, as it's understood traditionally.
There's some things that are a little problematic though in that traditional interpretation.
For example, in the super phylum sequence we have an interesting observation
if you look more closely. This is interesting. This is something from a class I was in at Harvard University
among graduate students in a graduate seminar. Typically, this is the kind of thing where a graduate student is supposed to run
the class for a topic. And so each of us bone up
on whatever it is that we're supposed to do for that class, and we come in and present for the class.
The class discusses it and that sort of thing. And so we were in a class of Stephen Jay Gould.
We were studying the Cambrian explosion. That was the subject of the class. So at this point,
we're familiar with the Ediacaran fauna, Tommotian fauna, the Atdabanian fauna. So alas,
different graduate students get assigned Atdabanian fauna, and another person the Tommotian fauna, another person Ediacaran fauna,
another person that the acritarchs, you know. So we got a dozen students each coming in each time
with different material. And after we were presenting and discussing this for a while, we began realizing there's an interesting characteristic
for these things. The Ediacaran fauna... I got the signatures wrong.
These two should be switched. Sorry about that. But the Ediacaran fauna almost invariably is found in sand.
And that's interesting that any given fauna would be all found in only one lithosome.
Only one type of rock. The Tommotian fauna, sorry it's a misassigned,
is always in carbonates. And the Atdabanian fauna is always in shale.
So they go, “ Wait a minute. This is something not right here. ” We've got a sequence of organisms,
a sequence of fauna, that are each specific to a particular type of rock.
It’s a facies-dependant sequence. “ Facies” would refer to the type of rock.
That's a facies-dependent faunal sequence.
We were discussing this. That sounds a little bit like Walther's Law. It’s really a principle.
But in geology, if you see a series of different lithosomes stacked in a particular order,
it could be that the order is due to a transgression event
or a regression event where the first thing is formed in shallow water.
The next thing is formed in deeper water. The next thing is formed in even deeper water.
It could be that what you see vertically could be reflective of what
the world was like horizontally at the time of deposition. So you're actually not looking at three different-aged things.
You’re looking at three different things at different positions. So for example, on a typical,
traditional understanding of a shoreline, you've got sand at the shore.
You've got mud offshore. And you've got reefs out beyond that.
So you've got sandstone, shale (or mud),
and then horizontally outward you've got carbonate. If you see a sequence of sandstone, shale,
and carbonate in a vertical sequence, you might think that what's actually going on here are three different facies
that existed side-by-side and are in this case buried on top of one another because water came in over the land,
or something like that. So we recognize that this might mean
that these three faunas are not separated in time,
but are separated horizontally. Their horizontal positions reflect three different fauna
living at the same time. They get buried in sequence only because water is coming in,
or water is going out. So at any given point in time, you got the shallow water critters,
and then the medium craters, and then the deep critters superimposed on top of one another,
but they're not different times. Now this was disturbing
to this group that I’m talking with because, of course, there was traditionally understood
a hundred million years of time here. So, how do you reconcile this?
Well, fortunately, or maybe it's unfortunate, a couple of the graduate students were assigned the issue
of radiometric dating. There was a radiometric revolution in dating of the Cambrian/Precambrian boundary occurring
at the same time. We recognized that there was a trend of redating all
of these rocks, and rather than there being 150 million years,
it was now down to about 20 million years, and it looked like it was going.
In fact, we concluded as a group that the data suggested that this whole unit
was formed not in a hundred million years of time, but something less than a radiometric pixel at five million years.
When you’re 500 million years ago, the Cambrian, five million years is one percent.
That's a radiometric pixel. You can't see anything smaller than 1%. Arguably, you really can't see anything less than 10%,
but you certainly can't distinguish the different ages of things
if they’re only 1% apart. And so even though it hadn't gotten there yet (it would in the couple
of years to follow) we concluded that the radiometric data was suggesting
that there's less than a radiometric pixel between these three faunas.
Add that to the facies issues with the faunas and we concluded these faunas don't represent successive faunas.
They represent three faunas at the same time, buried in that order,
but not living in that order.
But there became another issue once we decided on that and were satisfied with that.
We then thought, “ Well, wait a minute. There's only 12 places where this is found and they're all
in the same sequence. How's that work? ” We're burying them in the same sequence,
suggesting that whatever process takes three different faunas side-by-side
and buries them a particular sequence is occurring at this in the same way 12 different places
around the world at the same time. That was the next question. We then asked, “ Okay,
how closely can we determine the age of the 12 different deposits around the world?
” And again, we concluded that we cannot discern their age. We cannot discern differences
in their age at the level of the radiometric pixel. So they might actually be all at exactly the same moment in time,
and that the same event, a global event, buried them in the same sequence for that reason.
This was getting more and more uncomfortable for the people that were in the group with me. And I was getting more and more excited about this.
This is like...this is cool! Okay, this is a global event. No time is involved.
Perhaps there's no time sequence involved at all. It suggests that, in my mind,
I'm thinking, we got a global inundation event.
A global Flood event.
This suggested that, perhaps, the uppermost Precambrian is actually the very beginning of the Flood deposits,
and that they're preserving a pre-Flood ecological sequence of some sort. Now, let's turn to the upper Proterozoic diamictites
which are also part of the story. When we look at these puppies in detail,
we begin to see some extraordinary things. It's hard to see in this particular photograph.
We have these things called exploded boulders. We're finding these boulders that are really big!
And they're exploded. You can draw a line around the boulders,
and that sort of thing is a little easier to do in place. It’s often sometimes hard to do even in place.
You recognize that all the pieces are separated, but you can see where they could be put back together.
The jigsaw puzzle pieces fit. Just put them back, move them over a few inches,
and they just slip right into place. So the boulder and cross-section looks
like it's been blown up and then frozen right there.
We have phenomena called sturzstroms, which are very large avalanche deposits.
A sturzstrom is caused whenever a pile of rocks, something in excess of 1 billion metric tons,
is dropped more than one kilometer. If you reach those conditions, even if it's in water,
or if it's in air, or even in space, any one of those conditions you drop more than a billion metric
tons of rock one kilometer. What happens is a sturzstrom results. So sturzstrom is a German word that means “River of Stone.
” It hits the ground and shoots out at 100 to 200 miles an hour
across the landscape as a river of stone, taking out cities. This is rock.
And it moves as a unit until it reaches about 10 to 11 times its width and length,
and then it loses its energy and freezes in place. Not on a cold freeze, but a *screech*.
And when you cut into the stuff and look at the boulders,
those boulders that dropped a kilometer explode upon impact.
The pieces move apart inches and then get shot along with (everything moves
at the same velocity) sand and that sort of thing that makes its way in between the pieces so that
when it freezes in place, you have an exploded boulder. And so we know the mechanism of the exploded boulder.
Now remember, this is a diamictite. It's supposed to be a glacier moving extraordinarily slowly
over long periods of time, and then melting the little puppy out. There's no mechanism for a sturzstrom.
There's no sturzstrom there. So that puts some doubt in this diamictite interpretation
as a glacial deposit. A second problem is that these diamictites,
which are found around the world at this particular level, is that when you do paleomagnetic work on them to indicate their latitude,
latitude indicates they are basically at the equator. Okay.
They are equatorial. There's some other evidence that indicates that they're going over marine water.
So they're equatorial and oceanic. Equatorial oceans are warm.
That's not where you expect to find glaciers. You find glaciers and mountainous regions.
You do not find them at the equator. If you find them at the equator, they’re on top of mountains. They're not associated
with mountains with equatorial oceans. But many of these diamictites are low latitude,
near the low equatorial latitude. So, what’s going on there?
Enter parenthetical note, by the way: after this work was done,
since that time, the conventional world has actually taken note of this and taken this seriously and went, “
Well, I guess that means there were glaciers at the equator across equatorial oceans.
” And so now there's another period of earth history called the Cryogene,
which is the period of Frozen Earth. It's the period of the Frozen Earth idea.
Because the evidence indicates we have diamictites at the equator, in the ocean, it must have been
that the equatorial ocean was frozen. And if the equatorial ocean was frozen, everything's frozen, right?
My question on that, and I'm still in that parenthetical note here, is if you've got the whole earth frozen,
how do you move glaciers? How do glaciers pick up rocks and move and drop rocks?
They can't! Nobody can move! They’re frozen. So the very evidence that was used to determine
that this is a Cryogene cannot be produced if there was a Cryogene.
You can't do it! I'm baffled by why in the world this became popular.
At one point it was suggested, and man, it went crazy. It's currently an actual period
of time in geologic record, in the lithostratigraphic column. The Cryogene.
Are you kidding? But anyway, close parenthetical note. There's the low-latitude paleo-mag evidence.
This stuff is thick! It's an excess of a mile in thickness. The diamictite is huge.
Diamictites produced by modern glaciers are tens of feet thick.
Tens of feet in depth. Pleistocene glaciation produced tens,
maybe up to a hundred feet. There's 72 feet of gravel under Chicago.
That's pretty deep. For places with glaciers, that's pretty deep.
These things are in excess of one mile. They dwarf any known glaciers we have today,
quite significantly. Actually, I had to stop doing research in this area
because it killed off all my assistants. They wouldn't come with me anymore.
But I was deducing, I think I was right on the verge of concluding
that actually the true depth of this unit is something in excess of three miles.
So I think it's even thicker than a mile. Also there are enormous boulders in here.
Steve has made allusion to this. This is one of the smaller ones, about a quarter mile in diameter.
It's actually funny. Steve and I started work on this area. We just so happened to choose this one place,
and we started to work on this. We're taking geological observations, making geological
observations for days. And we're putting in faults and this sort of thing
where you would put in faults because we change the angle of the rock and all of this. At the end of this, Steve says, “ Yeah,
there's something wrong here. This is not working. ” Our faults were beginning to define a circle.
That's not what faults do. He says, “Do you think we're actually on a boulder?
” When you're on the ground and you got something that big...
how do you know that? We mapped for days on a boulder!
Didn't realize we were on one boulder! The boulder is itself layers of rocks.
So there's a geology in the boulder. But it doesn't match the geology of the stuff it's in.
Eventually, you know, we got our heads screwed on right and we realized, “ Oh, this is a boulder.
Cool! ” And then that began a series of discoveries of boulders. Bigger and bigger boulders.
We even rented a plane at one point to see this because you just can’t see it from the ground.
Now it's even better. You can go on Google Earth. The best photos of these things are from Google Earth
because they're so big! This is amazing. So now, here's a problem.
When you get up to...and some of these are bigger. There are mile-in-diameter boulders.
When you get to that mass, that size, they’ve got a fair bit of mass to them.
There's a problem with ice. If you put enough pressure on ice, because of the strange characteristics of water,
that upon freezing or very close to freezing, it actually expands. And if you put enough pressure on ice it actually melts.
It is the only substance that does that in the universe. Okay? But if you put a big enough rock in ice or on ice,
it melts the ice underneath it. The ice might be able to roll it in front of it,
but it can't carry a boulder that is a mile in diameter.
It melts the ice underneath it. So we've got this problem with these enormous boulders.
And they're not just enormous boulders, they’re imbricated. They're laying on top of one another.
You can't have floating ice carrying a boulder that big and dropping it as a drop stone.
It just don't work! So that suggests something is not right
with the glacial interpretation. And again, here we have boulders, big boulders,
out here imbricated in place. A bunch of them. One layer with three of them sitting on top
of one another imbricated. There's several more over here. These particular ones are about a mile in diameter.
About 200 meters thick. Kind of dinner plate-shaped things, sitting in place and stacked in this fashion.
You can't explain this as if there's a current or an avalanche direction
in a particular direction, which suggested to us that this is not at all a glacial deposit.
This is an avalanche deposit. You got the sturzstrom-caused, exploded boulders.
You're carrying enormous boulders. This is an enormous deposit, an enormous avalanche deposit,
that apparently dropped a long-distance something in excess of one kilometer,
and then shot quickly across the landscape. It's an avalanche deposit that's more than a mile thick.
This is a monstrous avalanche deposit. And the thing is,
about this, is that you can find these puppies the same age
around the world. So these are not glacial deposits. By the way, the striated boulders,
that avalanche material, it's the same way glaciers smooth out boulders
and then striate them. This avalanche does the same thing to boulders. So we can explain all
of the features of the diamictite and everything by this. But we find these crazy things through the middle of Australia,
through the middle of Asia.
They’re global, and they're dated within a radiometric pixel of what.
They're the same age. Whoa, what's going on here? It suggests that we've got an event
that created avalanches worldwide of enormous extent.
What could this possibly be? We suggested that, in fact, this is the collapse of the edge
of the pre-Flood continent before the Flood. Big pieces of continental mass broke off and fell.
Again, in the current ocean you got four kilometers depth between the edge of the continent
and the bottom of the ocean. You've got the sufficient vertical space to get
a sturzstrom kind of situation. And if it's a big enough hit,
you can collapse the continental margins around the entire world.
So we're talking about the pre-Flood/Flood boundary.
I've got a pile of rocks here in the Mojave, and a pile of rocks in the Grand Canyon. We've got the discontinuities that I referred to before.
This allows us to determine where the pre-Flood/Flood boundary is likely to be.
And I'm going to skip through this. You've already seen this particular diagram.
We'd suggest that the pre-Flood/Flood boundary is in these positions. Basically at the base of the Kingston.
We're in the middle of the Kingston Peak formation in the Mojave,
and that puts the stromatolites below this point.
So the stromatolites can be actually a preservation of a pre-Flood world.
Here we have a sequence of rocks leading up to the boundary.
So these are pre-Flood rocks. We have a whole bunch of pre-Flood rocks, and for our purposes here just to introduce the fact
that there is intruded into them a very thick diabase. It's a very thick molten unit
that was stuck into the middle of these sediments. And so if we look at what's underneath the stromatolites,
we have a lot of sediments formed by water which are intruded by a big diabase sill.
In fact, there's more than one sill. So if we look at the history of this,
we have the deposition of thousands of feet of sediment, which we suspect is due to the raising of continents
and the running off of sediment from those continents. We have a very big... what do you call it?
“ Package” of sediment. Then we have the intrusion of an igneous unit in the midst
of those sediments. And then it's later that we have the formation of, in that particular area,
what’s known as the Beck Spring Formation. There's a number of evidences that indicate that it is,
in fact, formed by hot water, probably from this diabase cooling.
It's giving off its heat. The heat has been carried by water, and we're producing a limestone by hydrothermal activity.
This is the context upon which the stromatolites are observed.
So here's some of the evidences for the hydrothermal activity.
We can skip through that. In the Grand Canyon, we also have evidence of intrusion into sediments
that we think were formed in Day 3 of the Creation Week by the raising the continents.
Radiometrically, they are identical in age to that which is intruded into the Mojave Desert.
That sill in the Mojave Desert is identical in age to these intrusions here,
and chemically it is identical. In fact, it's identical to intrusions that are found in the midcontinent
and across an enormous area. It appears that after the Day 3 regression,
there was an intrusion across the North American/Laurentian area
of this huge body of hot molten rock
that is then cooling by water coming up through it, picking up its heat and devolving onto the surface.
Taking this hot material and bringing it up to the surface. Creating hot springs, very hot springs,
at the surface. It's in that context that we find the stromatolitic reefs of the Grand Canyon.
So it's my hypothesis that these stromatolitic reefs are formed in the hot water
by this intrusion. The reason that you don't have anything but bacteria
in these rocks is because nothing else can live in these rocks.
These bacteria are specially designed for that hydrothermal situation, and it's probably why we don't even find the fossils
of the microorganisms in the stromatolites. It would decompose organic matter.
And probably even if there were spores and that sort of thing that floated into this,
that's all decomposed by the hydrothermal situation.
And so we reconstruct the edge of the continent just before the Flood as having a stromatolitic reef along,
in this case, the western margin of Laurentia with the material
underneath intruded by a very thick hot magma
that is producing heat at the surface, producing hot springs along here, so the only thing that can live here
are the bacteria generating these reefs. That in turn produces a lagoon
in between the westernmost portion of the continent and the terrestrial portion of the continent.
In that lagoon we can have microorganisms living there. I would suggest your Ediacaran fauna
are living in sands that are at one particular location, probably deep because of their morphology.
Tommotian fauna living in a carbonate environment, and the Atdabanian fauna living in muds
that are closer to the land. And probably, more than anything, it's the temperature of the water that is determining
what's living where in this particular sequence. Then when the Flood comes along,
then, that big earthquake at the beginning of the Flood
collapsed the margin of the continent.
For 1600 years we're building up stromatolites and critters are living happily so on and so forth.
Then at the beginning of the Flood, there's a collapse of the continental margin around the world.
Big huge pieces of the stromatolitic reef of all sorts of things collapse
into deep water creating avalanche deposits into the deep water. That opens up or breaches the reef
for the sequential deposition of the Ediacaran fauna,
the Tommotian fauna, and the Atdabanian fauna as it gets carried in there by the undertow
that Steve was talking about.
But anyway, what we've got here is our inference this week on at
least one pre-flood ecosystem. When we study the rocks,
again, there’s a traditional interpretation of the rocks. There is a traditional conventional explanation
for these rocks that there's the evolution of communities through time and that there's
glacial activity going on to produce the diamictites. But when you look more closely,
something’s not quite right with that interpretation. You don't actually have the time sequence
for the faunas. They are all living simultaneously at the same time.
This is not an evolutionary progression at all.
The diamictites are not actually generated by glaciers. You have to invoke a different mechanism.
And as soon as you get a reasonable mechanism for them, you've got a catastrophic situation which is consistent
with the catastrophe we hypothesize for the Flood itself. So I propose
that there is or was a pre-Flood ecosystem of hydrothermal reefs made by bacteria in the pre-Flood world
that was never generated after the Flood because we don't have those kind of conditions anywhere
in the world after the Flood, and that the collapse of that system explains the order of the early faunas,
the early Precambrian macrofaunas that we find
in the fossil record. Thank you.
Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.
耶 穌 對 他 說 : 你 要 盡 心 、 盡 性 、 盡 意 愛 主 ─ 你 的 神 。
—— Matthew 22:37 —— 馬 太 福 音 22:37