進深,進深,進入耶穌大愛 Deeper, deeper in the love of Jesus


一  進深,進深,進入耶穌大愛,每日更進深;





二  進深,進深,藉著全能聖靈,不斷的進深;



三  進深,進深,雖經艱難試煉,仍不斷進深;



四  進深,登高,每日活在主裏,直到爭戰過;






本詩 (《聖徒詩歌》第273首) 的作者是仲斯(Charles P. Jones, 1865-1949)。他出生的那年,正值美國憲法通過第十三次修訂,廢止奴隸制度;但非裔美人仍需面對貧窮,被歧視等殘酷無情的現實。 他母親早逝,仲斯體弱多病,一切靠自己照料。十七歲時,他離開喬治亞州的家鄉,一路旅經田納西州,到阿肯色州。 仲斯在1884年信主,翌年開始傳講福音,不久成為出色的佈道家。他受人歡迎,也遭人排擠。 1887年,在他講道時,有人持槍襲擊,有五人受傷。 數月後,他在另一城市講以賽亞書32:1-2「看哪,必有一王憑公義行政.必有首領藉公平掌權。必有一人像避風所,和避暴雨的隱密處,又像河流在乾旱之地,像大磐石的影子在疲乏之地。」當他邀請決志者來台前跪下禱告時,有一白人一連對他開了六槍,幸未受傷,次日,那狙擊者遭人暗殺。仲斯牧會一個有1200會友的教會,他們在山的斜坡上造一教堂,但被一群暴徒縱火焚毀,後由白人及黑人捐款重建。


仲斯不但在身體的安全上常受威脅,在靈命上也倍受挑戰。 他覺得自己需要有進一步的屬靈經驗,以得更大的能力。他禁食禱告了三天,感到被 神的大愛潔淨,真實地與聖靈同在,自己更感不配受此祝福,他的靈裏充滿了屬天的喜樂,覺得他的每一日都是奇異的恩典。 因此他鼓勵教友們追求這屬靈的確據,讓聖靈的火來煉純心田。 1897年,他成立了一個有色人種的聖潔研習會,有八州人士前來參加,以後每年開會時,有各不同宗派的人參與。 有一次他在禱告時,一再受聖靈感動囑他寫聖詩,他推辭了五、六次,最後他走到琴旁寫下了他第一首詩歌「讚美主」(Praise the Lord)。 嗣後,他一共寫了一千多首聖詩。 這首詩歌是他在默想約翰14:12「我實實在在的告訴你們,我所作的事,信我的人也要作,並且要作比這更大的事。」他領會到自己才幹的有限,必需有更大的恩典,更深的智慧,更完全順服 神的旨意。於是他矢志向 神求靈命增長,而神賜給了他這首詩歌。摘自──古今聖詩漫談




【書十七17~18】「 約書亞對約瑟家,就是以法蓮和瑪拿西人,說:『你是族大人多,並且強盛,不可僅有一鬮之地。山地也要歸你,雖是樹林你也可以砍伐,靠近之地必歸你。迦南人雖有鐵車,雖是強盛,你也能把他們趕出去。』」


這段經節背景是約瑟的子孫拈得肥沃的土地,但卻一同來到約書亞面前,抱怨他們所得的產業窄小。他們將約書亞給予他們的兩份土地,當作為「一鬮之地(以抽簽方式抽的地) 」。











1 Deeper, deeper in the love of Jesus

Daily let me go;

Higher, higher in the school of wisdom,

More of grace to know.


Oh, deeper yet, I pray,

And higher ev'ry day,

And wiser, blessed Lord,

In Thy precious, holy word.

2 Deeper, deeper! blessed Holy Spirit,

Take me deeper still,

Till my life is wholly lost in Jesus,

And His perfect will. [Refrain]

3 Deeper, deeper! tho' it cost hard trials,

Deeper let me go!

Rooted in the holy love of Jesus,

Let me fruitful grow. [Refrain]

4 Deeper, higher, ev'ry day in Jesus,

Till all conflict past,

Finds me conqu’ror, and in His own image

Perfected at last. [Refrain]

Source: One Lord, One Faith, One Baptism: an African American ecumenical hymnal #126

Charles Price Jones

Charles Price Jones
-- www.hymntime.com/tch/
Short Name:Charles Price Jones
Full Name:Jones, Charles Price, 1865-1949
Birth Year:1865
Death Year:1949

Charles Price Jones born December 9, 1865, near Rome, Georgia. He grew up in Kingston, Georgia, and attended the Baptist church. He was converted in 1884 while living in Cat Island, Arkansas. In 1885 he was called to the ministry and began preaching. In 1888 he attended Arkansas Baptist College and taught school in Grant County, Arkansas. He preached and pastored several Baptist churches. After asking God for a deeper experience of grace and fasting and praying for three days, Jones experienced a closeness with God, and in 1895, along with other Baptist holiness adherents, who taught that a second work of grace can cleanse the Christian of original sin. They started a holiness movement in the Baptist church, and he began teaching holiness in his congregation, Mount Helm Baptist Church in Jackson, Mississippi. He faced much opposition from some members of his congregation and other Baptist churches. Eventually the church voted to remove "Baptist" and change it to "Church of Christ." For several years, Jones led a non-denominational holiness movement. In 1899 he began to write songs for his church. Most of his hymns were inspired by a scripture passage. The congregation built the Christ Temple campus which included a 1000 seat sanctuary, a printing press, a school building, and a girl's dormitory. In 1917, Jones organized Christ Temple Church in Los Angeles and moved the printing press there. He died January 19, 1949 in Los Angeles

Dianne Shapiro, from Church of Christ (Holiness) U.S.A. website and "Charles Price Jones (1865-1949) Religious Leader" by David Daniels, Mississippi Encyclopedia website (both accessed 10/9/2020)



Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.

耶 穌 對 他 說 : 你 要 盡 心 、 盡 性 、 盡 意 愛 主 ─ 你 的 神 。

—— Matthew 22:37 —— 馬 太 福 音 22:37